The Vinyasa Show Artwork
Season 10 - Episode 6

Detoxify and Flow

60 min - Practice


Sarah leads a detoxifying flow to wring out the whole body. We move through Chair and Lunge twists, revolved Triangle, Half Moon, and Hand to Foot poses, and move to the floor for cooling twists. You will feel imbued with a trust that all is unfolding as it is meant to.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Welcome, and thank you for joining me for this detoxifying flow. We'll move through a fluid practice of twists and start to wring things out like a sponge. So starting in child's pose, I'll meet you there. And if it feels okay, bring the big toes and heels together, let the knees go a little bit wider so that the torso can start to drape down between the legs. And then maybe the forehead is on a block or the earth, taking a moment to ground.

Big full breath in as you send the breath all the way to the lower back. And then exhale, sigh something out, let it go. Good big full breath in through the nose. Exhale to side out, let it go. One more like that, big full breath in.

And exhale to release, beautiful, and then walking the hands forward just a little bit more and tenting the fingertips, lifting the elbows up off the earth. Start to walk your hands over to the right side and you might drape your torso over the right leg. Nice side body stretch, breathing into the left ribcage. Couple full deep breaths here. Good, and then taking it back through center, walk your fingertips over to the left, reaching that right arm forward, maybe draping the torso over the left leg.

Couple full deep breaths there. Beautiful, and then take your time as you come back through center, ground for a moment. Maybe setting an intention for your practice today. Anything you'd like to call in and detoxifying is really about letting go. So is there something that you can release or let go of today?

Good, and then take your time. We'll make our way up into tabletop and then just start to take some circles here. So rounding back and forward as you stretch the wrists when you come forward, finding the hips as you come back. Oh my gosh, all the crackling in the joints. Maybe take it in the other direction.

Beautiful, and then come back through center. So centering the weight, take a moment to find tabletop. And then as you're ready, inhale, reach the right arm up and open. So opening the heart and chest to the right and then threading the right arm underneath without letting the shoulder come down yet. We're just threading and hovering up off the earth.

We'll do that two more times. So as you inhale, sweep the right arm up and open. Exhale, sweep the right arm through and hover. Good, one more. Inhale, reach up and open.

Exhale, hover, and then letting the right shoulder find the earth coming into that shoulder stretch. You could tent the left fingertips, maybe walk them forward or take the left hand behind your back. And just take a moment here to land. Pressing into the support beneath you. Notice what you see.

Coming to the breath, maybe there's something that is no longer serving you that you could let go of right here. Good. And then pressing into the left hand, come back up into tabletop. Take a few more circles, moving the energy around in either direction. Good.

And then as you come back through center, we'll take this to the other side. So inhale, left arm reaches up, open the chest to the left and then threading the arm underneath and hovering. Good. Two more as you inhale, reach the arm out and up. Exhale, hover.

Good. Inhale, reach it out and up. Maybe gaze up and then threading the left arm under the right, let the left shoulder come down, left side of the face and you could walk that right arm forward or maybe take it behind your back. Notice what would feel nice here. And again, just yielding to the support of the earth, couple breaths.

Inhaling, exhale, release. Beautiful. And then take your time, press through the right hand and the left hand. Let's bring the forearms down to the earth. Stretch both legs back, finding forearm plank for a moment, engaging through the core, shoulders right over the elbows, gazing between the thumbs for five, four, three, two, one.

Hips lower for sphinx pose, I'm gonna walk the hands forward just a bit, elbows in front of the shoulders, heart reaches forward. Good. And then sliding the hands back to the side ribs, hug the elbows in for cobra pose, inhale, peel the chest up. And exhale to lower. As you lower, take the hands on either side of the mat, tent your fingertips, let the elbows point up toward the sky and we'll take this wide arm cobra.

So pressing into the tops of the feet to peel the chest up, good. And then letting the right shoulder melt down toward the center of the mat. Take the gaze to the left, good. Inhale back through center and then left shoulder melts down. Take the gaze over the right shoulder, beautiful.

And then coming back through center, inhale, exhale. Slowly lower, bringing hands next to side ribs, tuck the toes, firm the thighs up off the earth, coming up into plank pose, top of a push-up. And then lifting the hips all the way up and back for downward facing dog and just taking a moment and down dog, pedal it out, feel into the legs, any movement that would feel good, letting the spine be long, head hanging heavy, pressing through both hands, inner and outer hand, letting the heels melt down toward the earth. They don't have to touch. You're always welcome to put a bend in the knees here, beautiful.

And then as you're ready, sweep the right leg all the way up and back. Draw the knee in toward the nose and then take a big step through between your hands, coming into runner's lunge. So staying on the ball of the back foot, take a moment to sink in, welcome to take a couple blocks beneath your hands. Otherwise, planting the left hand down, sweep the right arm up, find a twist. You might gaze up toward your fingertips here, beautiful.

And then as you lower the right hand, lower the left knee down to the earth, Anjaneyasana, sweeping the arms forward and up, reach up and out of the side waist, energize up through the fingertips. You might gaze up, good. And then as you exhale, hands frame your front foot, shift back, Ardha Hanumanasana, I'm gonna slide that right foot forward a little bit, find length through the spine and fold over the right leg. Couple full deep breaths, beautiful. And then re-bend through the right knee, come back to that low lunge, plant the palms and step back to downward facing dog, meeting there.

And we'll glide forward into plank pose, top of a push-up, lower halfway or all the way down, Chaturanga. Inhale, you could stay with cobra, maybe taking upward facing dog. And then exhale, hips up and back, downward facing dog. Good, left side, inhale, left leg lifts, exhale to step through, plant the right hand down this time, sweeping the left arm up, find your twist, good, and then lowering the left hand, lower the right knee at the same time, Anjaneyasana, inhale, arms sweep up, exhale, shift back, half split, Ardha Hanumanasana, good, inhale to re-bend, step back, plank pose, shift forward, Chaturanga, inhale, cobra or upward facing dog, exhale, downward facing dog. So we're just gonna work with that pattern a few times, letting the breath guide the movement.

So inhale, right leg lifts, exhale, step through, find your twist, left hand down, right arm lifts, exhale, lower the left knee, arms sweep forward and up, Anjaneyasana, exhale, Ardha Hanumanasana, folding over the front leg, good, re-bend through the right knee, step back, plank pose, Chaturanga, inhale, cobra or up dog, exhale, down dog, left side, inhale, left leg lifts, exhale, step through, plant the right hand, left arm sweeps, find your twist, good, and then right knee lowers, inhale, gathering, Anjaneyasana, low lunge, exhale, shift back, Ardha Hanumanasana, good, re-bend, step back, plank pose, Chaturanga, inhale, cobra or up dog, exhale, down dog, big full breath in, long, release, good, one more time like that, inhale, right leg lifts, exhale, step through, lunge, twist, right arm lifts, left arm plants down, good, and then left knee lowers, low lunge, Anjaneyasana, inhale, Ardha Hanumanasana, half split, good, re-bend through the right knee, step back, plank pose, Chaturanga, inhale, cobra or upward facing dog, exhale, down dog, left leg, inhale, left leg sweeps up, exhale, step through, plant the right hand down, left arm lifts, twist, good, lower the right knee, gathering, inhale, Anjaneyasana, exhale, Ardha Hanumanasana, folding, beautiful, re-bend, left knee, step back, plank, Vinyasa or skip it, inhale, cobra or up dog, and roll over the toes, downward facing dog, good, take a moment, lower the knees, tuck the toes and sit back on your heels for a moment, maybe draw your hands to your heart, and just feel that rush of energy, that fluid sequence that we just explored, where does that land in the body, and maybe you untuck your toes, because all of a sudden that feels really hard, just noticing what you need, taking these sacred pauses between the movement to recognize where this all lands in the body, your breath, perhaps the mind, good, and feel free to stay here as long as you like, become curious, that sense of awe, that sense of wonder, if you're ready to move on, let's come back into downward facing dog, planting the palms, tuck the toes, lift the hips all the way up and back, couple breaths here, again, maybe pedal it out, swaying the hips, good, let's rise up onto toes, bend the knees deeply, look forward, step or lightly float to the front of your mat, bringing the feet up towards your hands, landing in a forward fold, I'm gonna take a block under my head, you might do the same, just taking a moment to come into any forward fold that feels good, feel free to soften your knees, maybe sway a little bit, forward folds are just so good for calming the nervous system, going inside, internal, good, and then take your time, let's slowly roll up to stand, as you come to Tadasana, just take a moment, maybe gathering your intention and your hands together in front of your heart, Anjali Mudra, and the soles of the feet, ground, and we'll move into a series of standing sequence with that same detoxifying, twisting quality, so as you're ready, let's come to chair pose, you might bring the feet together or have them about hips width apart, Utkatasana, bend the knees, arms sweep up, good, from here, draw your hands to your heart, and just start to twist to the right, so drawing the left elbow to the outside of the right, and then twist to the left, left elbow draws to the outside of the left, and then just swinging that side to side, so left, and then right elbow, left elbow twisting to the right, good, feeling that in the legs, and then slowly come back to center and fold, Uttanasana, good, inhale, lift halfway, either hands on shins or fingertips on the earth, step or lightly float back, Chaturanga, clearing that as you inhale, Cobra, or upward facing dog, exhale, roll over the toes, downward facing dog, good, and then right side, inhale, right leg lifts, exhale, step through, stay on the ball of the back foot, I'm gonna widen the stance a little bit, so stepping my left toes to the left, coming up into crescent pose, and start by bringing my hands to the hips, letting the tailbone melt down, softening that left knee, and then you can reach the arms up actively through the fingertips, softening through the shoulders, beautiful, and then let's twist here, left arm reaches forward, right arm reaches back, and then the torso just starts to twist open toward the side of the mat, sink in, good, and then reversing this, let the right hand find the back of the left leg, left arm reaches up and over your ear, tilt back, and then right into that lunge twist again, so the left hand will find the earth or a block, right arm sweeps up, good, holding for a breath, wringing it out, good, and then right hand down, step back, plank pose, Chaturanga, inhale, Cobra, or upward facing dog, exhale, lifting up and back, down dog, beautiful, left side, inhale, left leg lifts, exhale, knee toward the nose, step all the way through between the hands and then maybe widen your stance a little bit as you come up into crescent pose, so you could bring hands to hips, let the tailbone melt down, softening, good, and then when you feel like you have that solid base, sweep the arms up, energize up through the fingertips, good, and then right arm forward, left arm back, spinning the torso toward the left side of the mat, sink in a little deeper, and then reversing that, reach the right arm up and over your ear, left hand finds the back of the left leg, notice your balance, beautiful, and then circle the right hand down, left arm lifts, lunge twist, holding for a breath here, breathing into the shape, left hand down, step back, plank, Chaturanga, Cobra, or upward facing dog, exhale, meeting and downward facing dog, and then just taking that pause again, knees lower, sit back on the heels, observe, notice, land, couple full deep breaths, breathing in, breathing out, one more inhale, exhale, good, and stay staying here as long as you like, otherwise, meet me back in downward facing dog, planting hands to the earth, tuck toes, lift hips, up and back, rising up onto toes, bend knees, look forward, step or lightly float front of the mat, inhale, lift halfway, exhale, release and fold back to chair, Utkatasana, knees bend, arms sweep up, and then pressing to stand straight in the legs, feel the lift in the heart space, and then draw your hands to your heart, good, so that was our first round, we'll move through a couple more, adding on just a bit with each round, letting our breath guide us through this movement, through this detoxifying, twisting flow, so coming back into chair as you're ready, inhale, Utkatasana, same thing here, hands to heart, start to draw the left elbow toward the outside of the right, and then the left, and then the right, swing inside the side and the left, one more time, inhale right, exhale left, oh, let that go, forward fold, good, low legs, and then inhale to lift halfway, lengthen, plant palms, step or lightly float back, Chaturanga, Al Cobra, or Upward Facing Dog, exhale, Down Dog, right side, inhale, right leg lifts, exhale, step through, widen the stance a little bit, come up into Crescent on your inhale, take a moment to sink in, we'll find that twist, left arm forward, right arm back, opening up toward the side of your mat, and then tilting back, reverse Crescent, good, left hand circles down to the inside of the front foot, lunge twist, good, and then let's open it up to Warrior II, so spinning the back heel down, the left arm will guide you up and open to face the side of your mat, sinking in toward 90 degrees in that front leg, and you might straighten and bend a few times to kind of find that sweet spot, moving into Dancing Warriors, flip the front palm, tilt back, reverse Warrior, exhale, extended side angle, just a breath as you come forward, reaching left arm up and over the ear, and then a few like that, inhale, reaching up and back, exhale, extended side angle, inhale up and back, exhale, extended side angle, beautiful, coming back up to Warrior II, straightening through the front leg, shorten the stance, just a little bit, turn the back toes in slightly, and then keeping the length in the right side body, coming into Triangle Pose, right hand below the knee, left arm lifts up, good, a little micro bend in that right knee, engaging through the right quadricep, pressing into the ball of the right big toe, nice, and then drawing your left hand to the hip, we'll come into Half Moon, gaze down, put a bend in the right knee, I'm gonna take a block under my right hand, floating the left leg up, stacking hips and shoulders, maybe reaching left arm up, wobble, wobble, find your balance, that practice in presence, arriving into your practice, right here, right now, good, and then stepping the left foot to meet the right, we're back in Chair Pose, Utkatasana, I'm gonna heel toe my feet together, you might have your feet hips distance, arms sweep up, and then let's take a twist, so draw hands to heart, hooking left elbow on the outside of the right thigh, sink in, letting hips lower toward the height of the knees, couple full deep breaths, wring it out, my goodness, and then big breath in, exhale, let that go, forward fold, maybe take the feet hips distance, hook the peace fingers, the first two fingers and your thumbs around the big toes, as you inhale, lengthen through the spine, and as you exhale, elbows out to the side, let the crown of the head melt down, couple breaths, folding in, maybe releasing by swaying a little bit, shaking the head, yes and no, good, and then inhale to lift halfway, lengthen, vinyasa, step or lightly float back, chaturanga, inhale cobra or up dog, exhale downward facing dog, good, and left side, inhale left leg lifts, exhale step through, set up for crescent pose, maybe widen the stance a little bit, arms will sweep up, sinking in, right arm forward, left arm back, opening up toward the side of the mat, float back, reverse crescent, left hand finds the back of the right leg, and then circle down, right hand to the inside of the front foot, left arm lifts, lunge twist, setting up for warrior two, spin the back heel down, let the right arm guide you, up and open, facing the side of the mat, maybe bend and straighten that left leg a few times to sink into the posture, good, and then moving into dancing warrior, flip the front palm, tilt back, reverse, exhale extended side angle, yeah, and then just letting the breath start to guide you as you inhale, come up and back, exhale extended side, inhale up and back, exhale extended side angle, coming back to warrior two, straighten that front leg, and then turn the back toes in slightly, so just setting up for your triangle pose, reaching left arm forward, find length in the left side body, letting the left hand fall somewhere below the knee, right arm lift up, good, engaging through the left quadricep, taking up space, breathing, it's all that subtle movement in the ankles, your toes, finding one point to focus your gaze, your drishti, good, and then we'll play with balance by bending through the left knee, transfer the weight into the left foot, floating the right leg up, stacking hips, stacking shoulders, I have a block under my left hand, this allows me to lengthen a little bit more, find length in the spine, just make sure those left toes are facing forward, the knee is tracking over the ankle, good, and then softly step into chair pose, right foot meets the left, utkatasana, knees bend, arms sweep up, draw your hands to your heart, and then right elbow to the outside of the left this time, revolved chair, breathing, sinking in, couple full deep breaths, big full breath in, long full breath out to release forward fold, heel to the feet about hips width, maybe sliding the hands under the soles of the feet, feel free to bend your knees or any forward fold is great here, just letting things release and melt down, maybe sway a little side to side, can use your toes to massage your wrists, beautiful, and then inhale as you come halfway up, exhale, step your left foot back for pyramid pose, so feet are about hips distance apart, drawing the right hip back, left hip forward, and you can stay right here in pyramid or maybe revolve pyramid with block under the hand, hand to the inside or outside of the front foot, lengthen through the spine, reaching the right arm up, twisting open to the right, revolve triangle, pressing back actively through the left heel, and actively through the ball of your right big toe, nice, and then maybe take this into revolved half moon, I'm gonna bring my block with me, this is challenging pose for me, lift the left leg up, and then you could reach that right arm up, opening up to the right, notice the wobble, hello IT band, beautiful, and then stepping left foot down, meet the right, back into our forward fold, let it go, let go of anything that came up surrounding that, finding these postures as a way of learning more about how we approach things, meeting ourselves, where we are today, beautiful, now step the right foot back for pyramid pose, feet are about hips distance apart, let everything melt down over that front leg, pressing actively through the left big toe, and then back through the right heel, yeah, if you're revolving triangle, I'm gonna take a block under my right hand, sweep the left arm up, and see if you can keep drawing that left hip back, sometimes it wants to like shoot out to the side a little bit, at least for me, so notice that, and just kind of keep the hips level, and you might even bring your hand to your sacrum and just feel that leveling of the hips, and look up at the clouds, I can see them out this window, finally some sun here, good, and then maybe you're taking this into revolved half moon, I'm gonna take my block along with me for the ride, float the right leg up, straightening through the left, open that left leg, or excuse me, that left arm, flex actively through the right foot, couple breaths, good, and then stepping left foot to meet the right, malasana, heel toe the feet as wide as the mat, toes out, heels in, maybe a block under the sacrum, just take a moment to get into your hips, feeling into this, many hands to heart, feeling the heart beating in your chest, and in this moment, and you allow it to be as it is, knowing that all is unraveling as it should, having that trust, when in doubt, practice, saves my life daily, good, and take your time, we'll parallel the feet, let everything melt down, take a moment, maybe sway a little, side to side to side, good, and then planting the palms, heel toe the feet back together, inhale as you lengthen, come halfway up, exhale your vinyasa, step or lightly float, chaturanga, inhale cobra or upward facing dog, and exhale down dog, lower the knees for a moment, lower the forearms back down to the earth, let the elbows be under the shoulders, pressing through the palms of the hands, let's set up for dolphin pose, tucking the toes, you might interlace the hands, tuck your toes, lift the hips, get upside down for a moment, maybe walk the feet in a little bit toward you, keep hugging the elbows under the shoulders, let's just breathe, find that strengthening in the shoulders, that opening in the hamstrings, and all the benefits of being upside down, beautiful, and then knees lower, child's pose, maybe taking prayer behind the back of the neck, so elbows can kind of dig into the earth, oh, feels so good, and then prayer behind the back of the neck as you stretch through the upper arms, breathe, more than anything, the breath, this link between the external and internal, beautiful, and then as you're ready, walking hands forward, tucking the toes, lift the hips up and back, downward facing dog, rise up onto toes, knees bend, look forward, step or float front of the mat, inhale to lift halfway, exhale, fold, good, root down to rise, arms sweep out and up, and exhale, take a moment to draw your hands together in front of your heart, pausing, feeling soles of the feet rooted, feel the heartbeat, good, and as you're ready, let's play with a little balance, so start to heel to the feet about hips distance apart, feel the soles of the feet grounded on the earth so that you feel that security, that safety of the earth, and then hug your right knee into your chest, now you might stay right here, you might have a hand on a wall, finding your balance, the wobble, embracing that, and then we'll take a twist here, so maybe right hand to the outside of your right knee, or excuse me, left hand to the outside of your right knee, and then reaching that right arm back, and you could gaze at your right fingertips, maybe you start to slide the left hand to the outside of the right foot, except extending the leg long, and then you could reach that right arm back actively, maybe gaze at your fingertips, I'm staying straight forward to find my balance, my gaze, beautiful, and then slowly come out of that side, stepping the right foot down, gathering hands together in front of your heart, let that go, let everything that may have come up with that go, balancing can bring up a lot, right, it's challenging, depends on the day, really, for me, okay, and then straight into the right foot, weight into the right foot, hug the left knee in towards your chest, draw the shoulders back, engage the core, and then your twist, maybe that right hand comes to the outside of the left knee, left arm reaches back actively, or you could find the outer edge of your left foot, reaching that left leg forward, extending breathing, good, and then release, let that go, step the left foot down, take a moment, pause and breathe, good, and sweeping the arms up, let's take a hold of the left wrist, reach up and over to the right side, nice side body stretch, maybe gazing under that left arm, couple breaths, and as you inhale, come up through center, hold on to the right wrist, reaching up and over to the left, beautiful, and then as you come back through center, lean back a little bit, maybe gaze up, find a bit of a heart opener, soften the knees, and release, maybe take an interlace behind the low back, get into the shoulders a bit, let the crown of the head melt down, good, releasing arms, inhale, lift halfway, lengthen, exhale, step or lightly float, vinyasa, with inhale clearing, vinyasa as you come to cobra or up dog, exhale, coming into downward facing dog, bringing the feet together at the back of the mat, gliding forward into plank pose, take a slow lower all the way to the belly, good, take the arms wide, tenting the fingertips on either side of the mat, as you inhale, feel the chest up, exhale, right shoulder melts, take a gaze to your left, good, inhale, come back through center, exhale, left shoulder melts, good, inhale, as you come back, exhale, release all the way down, stack your hands, let the elbows splay out to the side, and let the forehead rest on the top of your hands, yielding to the support beneath you, taking a moment to pause and breathe, maybe sigh something out, beautiful, and then reaching the right arm out to the right palm down, tent the left fingertips, roll to the right hip, bend the left knee and step the toes behind you, find the scorpion stretch, a little twist happening here as well, a couple full deep breaths, beautiful, and then take your time as you come back to center, reaching left arm out to the left palm down, tent the right fingertips, roll to the left hip, stepping the right toes behind you, releasing into the support beneath you, a couple full deep breaths, so nice, and then take your time as you come back through center, reach the arms back, palms on the earth on either side of the body, and then start to peel the chest up, pressing into the palms of your hands, maybe add the leg, Shalabhasana, a couple full deep breaths here, feel that heart opening, good, exhale, release one cheek to the earth, sway your hip side to side, let that go, beautiful, and as we come into another round, maybe bend your knees and reach back, find the feet, Dhanurasana, kicking feet into hands, lift chest up off the earth and just feel that big heart opening, couple full deep breaths here, nice, and then releasing, reverse windshield wiper, the knees side to side, feel that release in the lower back, good, and let's take a press back into child's pose, just briefly opening up through the low back, hips to heels, arms reach forward, forehead rests, breathing, beautiful, and then from child's pose, let's make our way back to tabletop, tucking the toes, lifting hips up and back, down dog, maybe pedal it out a few times, sway hips, good, breathing in, breathing out, good, and then hopping to the front of the mat or you could just lower the knees, we'll come to seated, cross at the ankles, bringing the legs out in front of me, and then bringing the soles of the feet together for Baddha Konasana, wiggle in, can hold on to the toes, the ankles, as you inhale, lengthen through the spine, exhale, folding forward, tuck the chin, breathing into the inner leg line, the hips, find that rooted connection with the earth, few more full deep breaths here, noticing where you feel this in the body, beautiful, and then as you're ready, inhale to come all the way up, slide the feet out in front of you a little bit more so there's more of a diamond shape, and then we'll come into a fold, just a different sensation here, walking hands to feet, folding in, feeling into the lower back, breathing, a couple of full deep breaths, beautiful, and then taking your time to slowly come back up, we'll bring the legs out in front of us, taking a moment here to stretch the legs long, flexing through the feet and then just crawling your hands forward into Paschimottanasana, fold one last, folding in, feel into the low back, find your breath here, beautiful, and then as you inhale, slowly come up, if you have a block, have that handy and near you, otherwise as you come up, getting a little bit funky here, we're gonna throw in a little core work, so come on to your back, hug the knees in, welcome to skip it, of course, take anything that works for you, otherwise let's move into some yogi bicycles, we'll build the heat just a little bit, bringing the hands behind the back of the head, interlacing, elbows wide, draw your right elbow towards your left knee, let your right leg extend long, and then just moving side to side, left elbow, right knee, right elbow, left knee, switching, and I don't know, we'll take maybe ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, how's that feel, good, let that go, soles of the feet to the earth, bridge pose, feet hips distance, lift the hips up, and scoot the shoulders underneath you, maybe hold on to the heels or press the palms of your hands into the earth, just feel that opening through the front line of the body, nice counterbalance to core work, to twist, or to open the front of the body and finding that detoxifying moment of twisting as you lower, slowly reach the arms up over your ears, windshield wiper, side to side, knees left and right, if it feels good to linger on one side, go for it, I'm going to drop the knees to the right, holding there and then taking my left knee and stacking it on top of the right, so finding a nice hold in this twist, left arm reaches open to the left, maybe gazing over the left shoulder, breathing, good, and then pressing through both hands on the earth, draw the knees back through the center, both knees can drop to the left, finding a twist here, reaching right arm open to the right, maybe gazing over the right shoulder, breathe, softening the right shoulder, find the gaze, good, and then slowly come back through center, grab your block if you have that handy, I'm going to take the block to the medium height, so there's three heights, low, medium, high, take it to the medium height, just slide it under the low back, the sacrum area just below the spine, and then just hang out here, supported bridge, bringing the palms to face up on either side of the body, take a moment to just let the weight of your body release into the support beneath you, palms face up on either side, you can let the shoulders draw down the back, and it might feel good to stay right here for 10 breaths or maybe draw the knees in toward your chest and take that supported shoulder stand, legs reach up, if you don't have a block, maybe legs up the wall would feel good, just kind of reversing that flow of energy, blood in the body, maybe closing the eyes, just lingering here upside down, couple full deep breaths, good, and then as you're ready bending, through the knees, bringing the soles of the feet back down to the earth, lifting the hips just enough to slide the block out, slowly lower all the way down and just take a moment as your spine lands on the earth to just notice, ground, release, good, let's take one final twist here, we'll cross the right leg on top of the left like you're sitting in a chair, and then dropping the knees over to the left, you could cactus the arms for eagle spinal twist, and you might take a gaze over the right shoulder or just look straight up, breathe here, beautiful, as you come back through center, keep the eagle legs for a moment, so the right leg is crossing on top of the left, and then find eagle arms, right arm under the left, you could bring the palms or hands together, the back of the hands or the palms together, and then just a little bit as you draw the elbows up and away from you, big full breath in, as you exhale, draw the elbows to the knees and hover for a moment, good, and we'll take that two more times as you inhale, draw away, exhale, hover everything in, elbows to knees, knees to elbows, snuck in a little bit more here, inhale as you reach away, exhale, hover, beautiful, release, feet to the earth, hands to the earth, bridge pose, lift the hips, scoot the shoulders down, just a counterbalance opening up the front of the body, good, and then lower hips, and we'll take it to the other side, so crossing left knee on top of the right, cactusing the arms, let the knees drop to the right, maybe gaze over the left shoulder, softening, bringing it out, detoxifying, what can you release here and let go of, and just taking your time as you slowly come back through center. Keep the legs as they are, so left leg on top of the right, sweep the left arm under the right, eagle arms, just draw the elbows up and away, as you exhale, hover, draw the elbows toward the knees, hug everything in, beautiful, inhale, draw away, exhale, draw everything in and hover into a tight little ball, good, inhale, draw away, exhale, elbows to knees, knees to elbow, hover, good, and then as you let that go, one more bridge just to open up front of the body, soles of the feet to the earth, press through the palms of the hands, lift up through the hips, breathe, good, and this time as you lower, see if you can lower one vertebra at a time, super slow, scoop the low belly in as you bring the hips down, maybe a little windshield, side to side, just letting that release, releasing in the lower back, what's better than windshield wipers, not much, good, and then take your time as you slowly come back through center, we'll stretch the legs long on the mat and see a couple minutes of rest here, legs long, palms face up, do a body scan as you bring your attention to the toes, foot, right foot, left foot, right ankle, left ankle, right leg, left leg softening through the belly, the low back, hips, rib cage, back ribs, heart space, shoulders, right arm, palm of the right hand, back of the right hand, left arm, palm of the left hand, back of the left hand, neck, throat, jaw, back of the head, cheekbones softening, relaxing the space behind your eyes, third eye, forehead, crown of the head, letting yourself feel held. Let's rest. Namaste. Let something go.

The Vinyasa Show: Sarah Beston

Find balance within the flow.
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Fluid Balance
Sarah Beston
60 min
The Vinyasa Show
Tap into rooting Lunar energy in this mandala flow class.
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Grounding Mandala Flow
Sarah Beston
60 min
The Vinyasa Show


Lourdes Z
1 person likes this.
Love it! Thank you!
Catherine A
1 person likes this.
Lots of crack, crack, wobble, wobble going on with me this morning, Sarah 😂😁😂! But I feel amazingly relaxed & at ease after all the wringing out! Many thanks 💖
Jenny S
1 person likes this.
One of the bright spots of this never ending stormy weather here in CT is that I can luxuriate in these beautiful hour-long yoga sessions without any guilt about not being outside working in the yard…this whole season has been a delight and today’s savasana felt particularly incredible after all that twisting 🤤 Thank you Sarah and Yoga Anytime ❤️🙏🏻
Ruth V
1 person likes this.
I really appreciated the pace and pauses during this practice.  It left me feeling more centered and relaxed.
Kelley S
1 person likes this.
I really enjoyed the aspect of release.   I had not connected detoxify with release.   But yes!  Think about our organs of detoxification releasing urine and stool!   
Sarah Beston
You're so welcome, Lourdes Z! Thank you for practicing with me here on Yoga Anytime.
Sarah Beston
(Edited by Moderator - Sarah Beston on July 26, 2023)
Sarah Beston
I am so happy to hear that these hour-long sessions are helpful, Jenny S!  It was really nice to make these longer classes as well and so happy to be sharing them together. Warmest regards, Sarah
Sarah Beston
So happy that "release" landed with you, Kelley S! Thanks so much for practicing with me here on Yoga Anytime. Warmly, Sarah
Sarah Beston
So happy to hear, Ruth V! I am happy that you felt centered and relaxed - you're reminding me to practice today ;)
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