Everyday Somatic Yoga Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 7

Somatic Deep Core Explore 2

40 min - Practice


In this class, the second of our deep core muscle exploration, we move up into the multifidus, our spinal stabilizers, and diaphragm muscle, our primary muscle of respiration. We begin in a supine exploration of diaphragmatic breathing and low poses to wake up these muscles. We flow through Sun Salutes, explore dynamic challenges in Tree Pose, Fallen Triangle, and Half Moon to strengthen our spinal stabilizers, and play into Boat, Camel, and Bridge, weaving in our somatic movements. You will feel powerful, curious, and engaged.
What You'll Need: Mat, Block


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Hey, my friends. Warm welcome back to our 2nd session of the 4 deep core. You might do this video without doing the first session, but I would highly recommend looking at the first session, which works with our pelvic floor diaphragm, and our TVA transversus abdominis. Today, we'll take a look at the other 2 muscles that make up the 4 of our intrinsic core those being our diaphragms who are primary muscle of respiration, and the Motifidus, which are these small muscles that run alongside our spine and work as our spinal stabilizers. We're going to work with our diaphragm first, bring more awareness to the contracting phase of diaphragmatic breath.

Link that in with our pelvic floor and TBA. And then if those 3 are working together, chances are your multivitists are turning on. So the multivitist loves to work as a team. If the other 3 players are engaged and online, Multifitous is likely to join the party. So without further ado, let's lie down and check out that diaphragmatic breath.

You might wanna blank it for today, and a block might be useful in postures like triangle. So come on down into that constructive rest position. Your feet can be underneath your knees. And let's begin by taking our hands to our front, low ribs, shoulders heavy. And land. For step in semantics is to land and locate.

Letting your body touch the earth Chance for a longer breath. And then let's direct our awareness to locating the movement of our diaphragm on our inhale so that diaphragm is at the low rib area. When you breathe in, can you feel a swell into your hands at the front? And as you exhale, drawing back towards center. Accentuate that if you can, inhale, breathe into your low ribs, feel them swell in to your hands.

Exhale back to center. If you can't feel much movement, that's okay. That's an experience of noticing, and it's more important that you show up and put your brain into that area. So landing and locating will always count. You can take your hands to the outsides of your ribs now either cupping with your index finger and thumb or crossing your arms and kinda tapping your outer ribs. And let's see if we can locate some movement here with our breath. So it's the inhale when the jaw frame is working.

Inhale into your hands. Inhale laterally side to side. Exhale back to center. So it's like you have gills or something. Breathe into your hands.

Exel back to center, accentuated a little. Maybe close your eyes. It's a beautiful opportunity to be with your breath. Nice. And if you can't feel much movement, don't worry. You're showing up to make that movement happen eventually. Now you might slip a hand under your low back.

If that's okay on your shoulder, touching the back part of your lower ribs. If that's uncomfortable for your shoulder, that's okay. You can leave your hand out. So here, can you now send some breath on your inhale, some swelling into your hand into the floor, and then exhale and release it. Into the back of your ribs. Breathe in.

Swell your a low rib area into your hands with that in breath and exhale and release it. If you can't feel much movement, that's normal. A lot of people have a hard time sending movement into this region of the body. Is it can generally be a little bit tight or tense? Okay. Hands release. Hands wherever you like.

Now try to breathe all the way around. So circumferentially. And then on your exhale, you can draw up the pelvic floor and squeeze your 2 frontal hipbones together. Video number 1. So inhale, breathe into the circumference of your lower ribs, swell, and exhale pelvic floor and 2 frontal hipbones together and up. Let's take a couple more breaths like that.

Little dance of diaphragm and pelvic floor and TBA. So good. Okay. So you're doing that, me's in through this practice, likely your multifidus is going to join the party. So you can roll to one side, or you can roll right up, And let's come into our tabletop position. You might start to shift forwards and back here for 3. For 2 and for one.

Shoulders over your wrist, knees, under your hips. Take a breath into your diaphragm. Low ribs, exhale pelvic floor TBA. Brace a little bit of that right leg back left, arm forwards, touch the earth or float. Try to keep your spine neutral there.

Exhale as you're ready, elbow and knee towards each other, you can round a little bit, inhale reach out. One more time, like that, exhale curl in, and he'll reach out. A little balance y hands to the earth, inhale arch your spine, exhale round under. Come to neutral, inhale, into your diaphragm. Low rib expansion, exhale pelvic floor TBA.

Drawing in and up. Left leg right hand reach. And then two times x, he'll draw into center, and he'll reach out. Draw to center a little rounding. Inhale and reach out, hands to the earth, archer spine, round under.

Come to neutral, find that dance, and lift your knees off the floor a little bit. Now see if you can keep that neutral spine without dipping or rounding and walk forwards. And back. I always find the back movement a little more challenging because it's opposite hand, opposite leg. Right? Try to keep your knees close to the floor. Play with it for 3. 2.

Can you still breathe with it as well? And one. Knees down hands down in hill arch. Axel around under. Come to neutral. So option to lift your knees or not.

Can you take your left leg, right hand out, maybe float, and then come back perhaps your knees float here? Left hand, right leg, maybe float. Come back in. Now left leg, right hand out to the side a little, diagonal, Come back in. Definitely hard to talk with this one left. Hand right leg.

Float. Come back in. Knees drop in hill arch and exhale round. So that's a big multifidist strengthener. Come to neutral tuck toes reach back into your down dog, your breath, and your breath out. Feet to the top of the mat as you do. Make it yours breathe in.

Breathe out and fold. Arms out to the sides. Come all the way up and reach. Take your hands to your heart if you like. Join me in a home.

Inhale. Exhale it out, inhale for home. Breathe into your hands. Really, see your hands. Arms up.

For a word fault. Length in your spine, halfway lift, down dog. However, you do roll it into an angry cat plank straighten it out lower, maybe knees to the earth. Your updog or cobra downward facing dog. Breathe in.

Breathe out. Can you get curious about your breath in? Oh, knees, Ben, step or hot top of your mat. Long spine. Forward fold.

All the way up. Release your arms by your sides. Bend your knees. Sweap your hands down to chair. Forward fault.

Find length. Find your flow here. Your downward facing dog. Through angry cut plank, straighten it out, and lower. Upward dog or cobra, downward facing dog. Left leg high. I know it's different.

Left foot forwards. If you're used to that right foot, back foot down, inhale your warrior 1. And exhale down through downward facing dog, roll it through, protract your shoulder blades, straighten it out, and lower. Through your updog or cobra and downward facing form. Right leg high.

Right foot forwards, back foot on an angle, touch the top before you're 1, Oh, the way down. Roll it through. In Greek cat plank to straighten it out and lower your upward dog or cobra. Downward if he's seeing doc. Your breath in.

And down. In And on. And your knees, step or hop top of the mat. Forward fold. And your knees for a chair.

And press to stand. Standing on your left leg, take your right leg into tree could be on your tippy toe, calf, knee, inner leg. Opening that right knee out to the side. Take your arms up. It's gonna show you this way.

A little side bends side to side. See if you can tip it a little to one side. And then a little to the other side. So really working with these spinal stabilizers, can you continue with your breath to breathe into your lower ribs. And on your exhale, find that pelvic floor and transverse abdominals with squeezing those 2 frontal hip bones together. How would it feel to come forwards a little bit in this?

Come a little forwards It's okay if you fall out. Come back up. And then right knee in towards your chest, front of the mat. Step it all the way back to a warrior 1, and he'll come up. Exhale hands to the floor on tippy toes on your back foot.

Let your left leg reach up and back into a three legged dog. Shoulders over your wrist twist, left knee across. Kick your left foot across your mat. Take your right foot like a warrior too, and you might open up your right arm. Some of you might bend into your right knee and lift your left leg up.

You might even sweep that left leg towards the front of your mat for 3 with a bent knee or straight leg too. And one. Right hand to the floor, circle it back to downward facing dog. Either stay there. Roll it through. Plank and lower.

Your COBRA or updog. Downward facing dog. Breath in. Press out. You can step. You can try hopping if you want to the top of your mat.

Lank them out forward fold. Come all the way up. And arms release. I'll show you this way, left foot into tree, finding your space, knee back arms up. Bring some curiosity to your breath.

Which part of your diaphragm is harder to breathe into? Is it your back or your sides? And then a little bit of tipping movement. Side to side, you can let it be messy. You can fall out.

You can come back in. You learn lots when you follow it and come back in. So that's a essential and essential part. You might go a little forwards. Check it out.

Little softness in your bottom knee. Come on up. Write me forward. Step it all the way back into a warrior 1. Rise up into your warrior win.

Hands to the earth. Step your right foot back to a three legged dog. Twisting right knee across to your left elbow. Take your back foot like a warrior 2. Kick your right foot.

Out. You might let your left arm come up. And if you like, you can swing that leg up three times towards the top of your mat or with a bent knee. Working with those spinal stabilizers too. 1, and then turn yourself back into down dog.

Might take a child's form there. Roll it through your plank. Lower. Upward dog or cobra. And you're downward facing dog.

Breath. And press that one. You can step or hop top of your mat. Forward fold. I'm all the way up. And release your arms.

Arms up. Forward fold. Find length. Back into your down dog. However, you do roll it through. Lower slow.

Cobra or updog downward facing form. Left leg high. Warrior one stance. Rise up. Open to a warrior too.

You might shift your feet here for that. Start to straighten your left leg. Come up into a reverse triangle. Come up and over your left hip. Squeeze your inner thighs together here And you might take a block or your hand on your sin for Triangle form.

Get curious about your breath here and about your neutral spine a bit more, your diaphragmatic breath all the way around, your connections to your TBA in pelvic floor, And you might find a little lateral bend in your triangle. Like, tip it over and crescent your top side. And come back up. Let's shift it into a half moon so you can take your right hand to your hip. You might use your block or not.

Pinky toe side of the foot there with your blocker fingers left. Right leg reaches up. And get curious about your breathing, your intrinsic core. Some of you might choose to bring your right knee into a little ball, hold your near your ankle, and find that hip flexor stretch. Wherever you are, you can let go that top arm and crescent your top side.

Your multifidus is active. In this little lateral bends. Come on back up. Bend your right knee start to take your right knee towards the floor. So you can use your hands or not take your right knee all the way down, right foot across, and you can use a block or not to sit down.

Your left foot can go on the inside or the outside of your knee. Let's twist. So right arm across, left arm down twist to your left. Your breath in. You might take your elbow to the outside of your knee. Turn back forwards.

Let's take the block out from underneath. If it's there, feed forwards. Take your block in between your knees. If you don't have a block, squeeze your knees in towards each other, lean back, long spine. So instead of rounding or arching, get long, take one arm away potentially the other arm away and squeeze your inner knees together. This is another multifidist strengthener.

If you like, take your right arm over your ear and then back down. Left arm over your ear. Back down. Maybe both. Hard. Back down. I'm with you.

If you like, lean back, let your feet float. Take your right arm over your ear. Any amount doesn't have to be all the way. Take your left arm over your both. And then come on down and round.

You can take that block out, cross at your shins, roll forwards back into your downward facing dog. Breath in. Oh, step or hop top of your mat. Lengthened. Forward fold.

Arms up. Release your arms. Glass standing, series, arms up. Forward fold. Find length. Stay with your flow.

Downward dog as you do. Angry cat planks straighten it out, lower, slow. Roll through updog or cobra downward facing dog. Right leg high. Right foot warrior 1.

Inhale to warrior 1. I can tell warrior 2. Inhale straighten your right leg. Squeeze your inner legs together reverse triangle. Up and over, maybe take your block for Triangle.

Can I have your hand on your shin? Hand on a block. Find that low belly connection, pelvic floor connections or confrontial breath. And maybe you arc your top side. Come back.

Half moon shifting into your right leg, block comes forward to the pinky toe side of your foot. Come up into your half moon. You might bring your knee in, hold your knee or ankle, and find a hip flexor stretch. You might release it here, and there could be an arcing to your top side little fallacy. We'll tip it as active here.

And then slowly start to bring your knee towards the floor. Left knee curls towards the floor. Sit down. You can use your block or not left foot across. Whoo. Twist. Twist to your right.

So left arm across to your right knee turn to look at the back of your mat. Maybe you're elbow comes across. And then turn back forwards. Both feet forwards, you can squeeze a block in between your knees that'll help you with pelvic floor awareness. Lean back long spine, right arm reaches, left arm reaches, if you like, right arm up any amount, Come back down.

Left arm up any amount. Come back down. Both. Back down. If you like, let your feet float, you some people might even straighten legs. Right. Right. Arm up. Come back down.

Squeeze the block if you have it. Left arm up. Both. And then release it out feet to the floor round in. Can take that block out. Cross your shins roll over.

Into downward facing dog. Breath in. Out. Roll on down to your knees. If you have tender knees, you can place a blanket underneath them.

Come up to your knees. Take your hands to your waist and lift and boost your chest. Squeeze your shoulders a little down your back. You might look up. Breathe in. Come on up.

Exhale. Sweep your right arm around. Make a big movement to touch your hip or your right hip or your right heel. Come on back out of that. Left arm up.

Touch your left tip or your left heel. Come back out of that. Let your right let your hand your eyes, sorry, follow your hand forwards, and then let your eyes follow your hand with your left hand. And then forwards. If you like, circle back to catch your foot or your hip, and the other arm around to catch your foot or your hip, wherever you are, lean back a bit.

Connect through your TBA, your pelvic floor. Oh, stop through your chest and maybe move a little more forwards. And your. Take a breath in. Take a breath out.

Lean back a little and press into your shins and knees to come on up. Take your hands to the floor. Step back into your down dog. Breath in. Cross out.

Shift onto your knees. Let's come back into our bird dog. Play. So finding that neutral spine, right arm left leg. Cur it in a little rounding. Reach it out.

Curl it in. Reach it out. Back down, right arm left leg, curl it in. These are your classical multifidus awakeners, spinal stabilizers, curl it in, reach out Enhance to the floor, knees to the floor, arch your spine, round your spine. Under. So good.

Back to this play of picking up your knees a little bit, and then walking contralateral movement. So opposite hand, opposite knee. I always find it a little funny to go backwards. Play with it. You can even walk sideways, or stay on your mat for 5, 4, 3, beautiful multifidist strengthening here too, your whole team of 4 deep core working together. 1, knees to the earth in the hell arch, sweat mustache over here exhale around. Come to neutral.

Hover your knees. Now if you like, reach out left arm, right leg. Right arm left leg, knees floating one more time, both. You can always put your knees down. And then on a diagonal left arm, right leg, on a diagonal right arm, left leg, One more time both sides.

Keeping that connection to your deep core. Knees down. Arch. Round. So good.

Downward facing dog, stretch back. Strike back through your hips. Pander knees. Come on through to your seat. Heels forward. It's crazy.

Grew your heels down. Slowly roll down. Maybe holding on. Sacrum. Low back, mid back, upper back, Head.

Let yourself drop. Feet plant. Roll your head a little side to side. Take your feet underneath your knees. Can roll up into your bridge. Come up onto your tippy toes.

Take a breath in as you exhale. Pelvic floor draws up, frontal hip bones draw in. Keep a little bit of that then. Lift into your chest. You might stay there, make an arm variation happen that feels right.

Some of you might feel inspired to pop up onto the top of your head, keep that connection, and come up into a wheel. Make it yours. You can touch and roll. On down, you might segmentally roll down through your spine. And then let your knees fall side to side. Right leg long.

Left foot on top of right knee with your right hand, pull over into a twist. And think head and hips move away from other here. Other side, right, like long, left foot on top with your or your left foot long, left leg long, right knee on top, pull across into a twist. Your left hand can support that. Think hips and head away from each other.

I often think my spine is like a sword, and my hips are like the sheath and they're the sword is pulling out of the sheath as you stretch through the central channel in the twist. Roll to center. You can plant your feet or reach them out long, and we'll come back to our diaphragmatic breath. So hands on the front of your low ribs, You can close your eyes for this part. And can you feel some swell into your hands? And is it any different now? Is there any more space more awareness, more ease. Movement?

What about left to right? Do you feel more evenness with your left rib cage and your right? Pans to your sides. Cupping your side ribs or crossing your arms over your chest, breathe laterally. What's happening there? What's shifted? Is there more expansion?

More sensation. And then one hand underneath, if you like, if that's okay on your shoulder. And breathing into your back ribs. You might even contain a little bit at the front to push some breath into your back, some movement, some oscillation. Release that. And then all the way around, can you breathe into your low ribs? Like, there's a jellyfish or a moon jelly in your low ribs.

You might release your legs out. You could stay with that breath if you like. You can open your arms out to the sides. And settle. Let the breath go Notice the residue of your practice.

In the somatic practices, we really bring our awareness to the movements and It doesn't need to be that we're trying to tinker and improve all the time rather that we're bringing keen attention to areas where we might be less aware be moving with habert habit energies, don't serve us. And recognizing that we have some control over that. You might take a breath in, exhale it completely. And you could close your eyes and let your body land. All the weight go down.

Last few moments. So you're entirely welcome to take as much. Time is you need in rest. He might start to breathe a little bigger, breathe a little rounder again. And acknowledge that you spent time today working with some subtleties, some of your deep core.

And in the yoga practices, is your your Shashumna Nati, it's your central channel. And the way that the Yogic mythology is is that it says that all of the superficial things in life try to fit you out of your central channel. So you just did some work to really tune in to the core of yourself. He might acknowledge that. Reaching, long, stretching, Maybe we're bringing your knees in and rolling to a side.

Taking your time to come up. I feel like putting your hands together. Acknowledging you took this time together today to attend to your needs. Maybe you're inspired to pay it forwards to other beings and the earth. Any benefits you receive.

Chanti Peace.


M Angela C
3 people like this.
Thank you Lydia! Core 1 and core 2 practices supported internal focus quite literally and revealed so much to me.  More space, more strength and a sense of calm.  This series of somatic practices  are tangible  reminders to me of how to grow from the inside out as well as appreciating the body I have .  Benefits on and off the mat. Thank you for your cueing and explanations  as well. 🙏 
Lydia Zamorano
M Angela C Mmmm I love this! I also feel that somatic yoga feels like practicing from the inside. I appreciate you taking the time to comment Angela. Warmth and care, Lydia 
Jenny S
1 person likes this.
I found this Somatic Yoga season of classes to be very informative, especially as I sustained a minor (non-yoga related) injury midway through the series. I basically had to rest and limit all unnecessary movements for a week or so and then slowly ease my way back into practice.  Today’s class was an eye-opener for sure when it came to diaphragmatic breathing and those crawling movements 😳 I was amazed at how my body sort of struggled along with that after my days of rest.  I was heartened to notice a big difference when repeating those moves at the end of class.  This yoga really works!  Thank you Lydia, it was so nice to practice with you again! 🙏🏻❤️
Lydia Zamorano
Jenny S Jenny, I hope you heal quickly from your injury! I'm so happy to hear you made it back to this practice to finish the series. I am heartened to hear that you found differences so quickly. Thanks for sharing the yoga with me Jenny! Warmth, Lydia 
Sarah R
1 person likes this.
Thank you Lydia! These 2 sessions have been helpful in connecting me to my pelvic area. I am having a lot of pain and stiffness in this area. This connecting time is helping me relax and gently work though this discomfort.
Lydia Zamorano
Sarah R I'm so happy to hear that these videos have supported your connection and care for yourself. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It means a lot to me. Warmly, Lydia 
A lot of this seemed to be advanced ?
Lydia Zamorano
Kay Thanks for that feedback Kay! Are you referring to the whole show or this episode? Could I have offered more variations? I appreciate your reflections. Warmly, Lydia 

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