Nervous System Reset Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 7

Short and Sweet Reset

25 min - Practice


Join Stephanie Crochet for a short and sweet Yoga class designed for those in need of an effective and efficient reset. This session incorporates Viloma 1 breathwork, simple core exercises to build heat, and stretches targeting the hamstrings. Embrace the slightly challenging aspects of the practice to drop into the present moment and rejuvenate your body and mind.
What You'll Need: Block (2)

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Hi. Welcome to short and sweet reset. This is a compilation of all of my favorite things to do when I'm short on time. For this class, you'll need two blocks, and we're gonna start on our backs. So when you're ready, lie down. Start with your needs bent so your feet are on your mat and just let your arms rest alongside your body.

You can close your eyes and just connect with the floor connect with whatever you're laying on. Let the weight of your feet get a little heavier. The weight of your low back, mid back, and upper back. And start to deepen your breath. When you inhale your breathing all the way down deep into the pit of your belly.

And exhaling all of the breath out. You'll do that one more time in healing deeply, filling the belly, low lungs, midlungs and upperlugs. Pause. And exhaling all the breath out as you exhale. Can you draw the sides of your belly towards the naval.

It's like you're giving your naval a hug. And from here, we're gonna take the palm of our hands, and you're gonna take the heel of your hands and align it with the creases of your hips. And you're just gonna press your palms into your thighs. Again, the heel of your hand is aligned with the creases of your hips. You're just gonna press forward It's like you're giving yourself a little adjustment, and this is actually causing traction to lengthen your lower back.

We're gonna add the breath here as you inhale your filling again all the way into the belly, your lower lungs, mid lungs, and upper lungs, pause your breath. And as you exhale, it's like you're lengthening your tailbone forward and pressing the heel of your hands right up against where they are at the creases of your hips. It's like you're pushing your hands into your thighs. I will just do this adjustment one more time. So you're gonna inhale filling the lower belly, low lungs, mid lungs and upper lungs, pause.

And as you exhale, again, drawing the tailbone forward, feeling that slight scooping of your pubic bone towards the navel while your hands press into your thighs. And then from here, hug your knees into your chest. Giving yourself a big squeeze. You're gonna straighten out your left leg forward. Holding just your right knee, rest your left heel on the mat, and even flex your foot.

As you inhale to fill the lungs. Exhale as you draw your right knee in towards you just a little bit more. And from here, do a few circles with your your right knee. Just loosening up our hip flexor, outer hips, inner thighs, reverse the direction. Bring both knees back into your chest.

And we'll switch sides, hold the left knee, extend your right leg straight, resting your right heel on the mat, flexing the foot, breathe in deeply, exhale pull the left knee in towards your chest. Circle your left knee any direction. Reverse, and then hug both knees into your chest again. We're just gonna get into our core a little bit more. So you're gonna tabletop your your knees.

I personally like bring my knees in a little bit closer to my chest to flatten out my low back because the further away the knees are, the more arched your low back is going to be. So Bring the knees in a little bit closer. You're gonna press your palms against your thighs. It's like you're pushing your thighs away, but they're gonna resist that push. So they're drawing into the palm of your hands.

Your low back is stable on the mats. And then from here, you can either do heel taps with your right heel or extend the right leg straight. It's up to you. Your right arm's gonna go back at the same time, and that's an inhale. Excel as you bring the right hand and the right thigh back together. We'll do that on the other side.

So the left arm reaches back on the inhale. You could do Heel tops with that left heel or extend the left leg straight, and exhale bring it back to center. Right side, inhale right leg straight, right arm back, exhale center. Maybe you're modifying. You're just doing heel taps.

It's up to you, left leg, back forward, left arm back, exhale. Moving with the breath. And try to do this at a slower pace. Yes. It's a little bit harder. But you're just gonna get that much stronger.

Short and sweet, so we're not here very long. Just a few more. Doing a little bit of core strengthening. It's just a nice way to drop us in more quickly because we really have to focus. Right? It's somewhat challenging.

And anything that's a little bit challenging really drops us into the present moment. So I'm gonna say one more on each side. You're gonna do one more on the right, one more on the left, And then bring your knees into your chest and give yourself a little squeeze. Rocky side to side. And from here, you're gonna roll it back and forth up and down the length of your spine to come onto all fours.

So coming into that tabletop position, we're gonna go right into downward facing dog. Your feet are hit with a part in your down dog and parallel Hands are shoulder width. Can put a slight bend in your knees if you're feeling tight in your hands string, focus on the length of your spine. And then what's nice here is that connection you already made with your abdominal strength. So you just wanna hug the sides of your belly back slightly your front ribs towards the back of your body.

Take a deep inhale. Full exhale, high on your toes, breathing in, bend the knees, step to the top of the mat, Halfway up. Inhale. Your hands can come onto your outer shins. Exhale refold, inhale rise, Hands to your heart. I'll do a few sun salute a's because they're so good. It's a moving meditation in how as your arms come up, exhale and folds.

Halfway up lifting. Step back into plank post, top of a push up. And your knees can always lower to the mat if you need just a little more support in your plank. Your gaze is forward, breathing in, We're gonna shift forward to lower all the way down to the to the mat for this first one. So coming all the way down.

Point your toes back, align your fingertips underneath the shoulders. We're gonna work with cobra first, firm your legs, draw your tailbone towards your heels. And when you're ready, lift your chest, and you're lifting with the muscles of your along the spine. So your hands are light. It's like you can float them off the mat. You're lifting because you're really working those muscles along the spine.

Take another breath. Inhale. As you exhale, curl your toes under. You can do tabletop to down dog or plank to downward facing dog. Deep breath ins for the nose. Full breath out through the nose.

In hell as you stretch back, At the end of your exhale looking forward, step up to the top of the mat, halfway up, inhale. Forward fold, exhale. Rise, breathing in. Hands to your heart, inhale reach up. Exhale.

Forward fold. Halfway up on your breath in. Step back to plank, move through your Vinyasa. You can add upward facing dog as your backbend on this next one. If you're an updog, press the tops of your feet into the mat. Feel your shins and your thighs lifting.

Your hands are rooting down. Your shoulders are putting back an exhale down dog. Deep breath in. Full breath out. High on your toes, bend the knees, end of the exhale, step up to the top of the mat, halfway up, breathing in.

Forward fold as you breathe out. Reach up, inhale. Hands to the heart. And we'll just end one more in. He'll reach up.

Exhale fault. Halfway up, breathing. Step back, make your way to downward dog with or without a Vinyasa. And then from here, you're gonna locate your blocks. I'm gonna set my needs down, locating my blocks, and place them at the front of the mat.

Once they're at the front of the mat, we're gonna go high toes and step the right foot forward. So coming into a runner's lunge with the feet to hip width apart on your mat, this is where you wanna frame your right foot with your two blocks. It's just nice to have that support. And if your hamstrings are tight for what we're doing next, it's just nice to bring the floor up to you. So from here, that back leg is firming.

Your right hip is drawing in and back. As you inhale, retress sternum forward. And on your exhale, you're gonna straighten that front leg. Right? So I'm gonna take my blocks up a notch. Get my hamstrings are tight.

You want your right foot to stay flat. You're pressing down through the mound of your right big toe. Your hips are squaring. So we're gonna move dynamically here, bending that front knee inhale chest forwards. And as you exhale, you're taking your hips back. Straightening that front mic.

And, again, inhale bend the knee. Exhale straighten. We'll pause here. If you need more, like, you need more support, you can move your blocks back a little bit so they're aligned under your shoulders. You can lift your right toes and dig your right heel into the mat, and you get that calf stretch.

Hamstring stretch. From here, rebend the knee. Take your blocks out to the sides. And just step it back to down dog. Take a full breath and down dog.

Deep exhale. High on your toes. Step your left foot forward. So tracking your left knee over your left ankle, feet or hip width, grab your two blocks. So you're framing that foot.

From your back leg, hug your left hip in towards the midline of your mats. And then here we're drawing the chest forward inhale. It's like a little cobra on your upper back. As you exhale straightening your front leg, pressing through the mound of the left big toe on the mat in hell as you bend the knee, reach a sternum forward, lift your gaze, Exhale, straighten, and 2 more in how bend the knees. Exhale straighten.

One more. Straighten out that left leg. You can go and take your blocks back a little bit. Lift your left toes, dig your left heel into the mat. One more breath.

And then flatten your left foot. Rebend that knee. Move your blocks. Because you won't need them anymore. Step back to plank.

You can choose a vinyasa or skip it. I'm gonna do my last one. And we'll mate in downward facing dog. Big breath in through the nose. Full breath out through the nose.

Mhmm. Inhale as you stretch back. At the end of your exhale looking forward, step up, top of the mat, and held halfway up. Excel, fold back in, inhale to rise, and join your hands to your hearts. Great. Just stand for a moment.

Appreciating all of the movement. All of the breathing. We're gonna make our way to the wall. So I'm gonna suggest bringing your mat to the wall with you. Just nice to have it there.

And then one way to do this, my favorite way to get into it is just to get as close to the wall as you can. From there, you're gonna lie down and then swing your legs up for Viberita Karani. So couple of options here. If you wanna bend your knees because your hamstrings just need a little bit more space, that's fine. If you need to scooch back, just make all the necessary adjustments so that you're comfortable.

I like to have my feet hip width apart. Your hands can rest anywhere on the alongside your body. On your body. This is, like, the ultimate relaxation pose or reset pose. And once you're comfortable and you've settled.

Just pay attention for a moment to your spine. And pay attention to your spine from the root. So from the base, Right? Just soften the front of the belly towards the low back. And then pay attention to your midback. And allow the rib cage and your chest to soften towards that mid back area.

When I feel your upper spine, just bring in awareness to the upper spine and allow the sternum bone, the breastbone. To soften your heart to soften. So it feels as though you've placed to your spine in a very special way. Onto your mat. And beneath that is the earth.

And notice your shoulders. Allow the shoulders to become heavier. Notice your cervical spine on the back of your neck. And allow the front of your throat to soften into the back of the neck towards your cervical. And feel your skull, the back of your skull.

Become heavier. And notice the whole front of your face and the expression on your face softening. Give permission to your whole body. To surrender and to receive the gifts of this short and sweet practice. And just bringing awareness to your toes and just move your toes.

Feel your heels. Against the wall. We're gonna start to bend the knees placing your feet on the wall so that you can scooch back. So doing this, making these transitions softer or soft as you can using as little effort as you can. Until you feel that you have enough space away from the wall to lower your feet. And then from here, you'll cross your right leg over your left send your right hip to the right, drop your knees over to the left.

And back over to center, we'll switch, left, thigh over right, shift your hips, left, drop your knees to the right. And then hug your knees back to the center. Making your way up to a seated pose. However, you wish an owl and seated. So coming back into stillness for a moment, just to come into a comfortable seated position, Close your eyes. Just tuning into your inner space.

And whatever your felt experience is from that practice and noticing it integrated within every cell of your being on the space in your heart. And feel it even taking up space in your mind. And even feel it in your spine, the base of your spine. Up into the low spine, mid spine. And upper spine.

I mean, even feel it. Throughout the whole front of your body. Let's join our palms together, sealing the practice and our time together as you bow your in towards your heart. I'm also using this as a symbol of gratitude for your choice to show up to do something short and sweet, but that has elastane sustainable effect on your whole body, mind, body, spirit. Lift the chin, open your eyes.



Kate M
2 people like this.
What a lovely practice, Stephanie. Thank you! Namaste : )
Jenny S
2 people like this.
I had to double-check the running time for this class when it ended…I felt so relaxed and at peace and it definitely seemed way longer (in a good way) than it actually was.  A great afternoon reset for body and mind 🙏🏻❤️✨
Michelle F
2 people like this.
My goodness Stephanie - thank you! 
I´m enjoying this series so much - today´s short and sweet was incredible. I feel lately that time is just passing so scary crazy fast and this wee break was simply elastic - your voice is so soothing to begin with but like Jenny S i simply couldnt believe how short and sweet it actually was - how did you do that!???
loveandpeacexxxx x
Rosanna S
1 person likes this.
I absolutely love your classes and teaching style. I want more! Do you teach love classes somewhere or online? I'm a convert!
Steph C
1 person likes this.
Kate M Thank you Kate. xo
Steph C
Jenny S That sounds so lovely! I love it when time feels infinite :) xo
Steph C
Michelle F Thank you Michelle! What a kind message to share.  Please feel free to check out my website for offers and classes. Sending hugs! 
Steph C
Rosanna S Thank you for sharing your feedback.  Please feel free to check out my website for classes and offers.  xo
Rachel S
1 person likes this.
That was so spacious for such a short practice! Fabulous! I am really enjoying this series. Thank you!
Lenise Jay
Thank you for that practice! 🧘🏾‍♀️☀️
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