Nervous System Reset Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 9

Dreamy Yoga Nidra

25 min - Practice


Join Stephanie Crochet in a transformative Yoga class that guides you on a journey into the Self through the Self. This 61 points guided yoga nidra session provides an opportunity to tune into your inner space with joy. Experience deep relaxation and inner peace as you connect with your true essence.
What You'll Need: Pillow, Blanket

About This Video

Dec 05, 2024
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Hi. Welcome to trainee yoga, Nidra, for this practice. I'm going to recommend to grab any pillow that you wanna rest on, multiple pillows, a bolster, blankets. The most important part of this practice is your setup. So take the time to set yourself up. So that you feel comfortable and you have all the support that you need. This practice is one of my favorite, ways to reset and regulate.

I'm gonna guide you through different points of the body. And as you're exploring and being guided towards these different points. It's just like imagine you're going on an adventure within that you're really looking forward to. One that you're, like, very interested in exploring. So when you're ready, go ahead and lie down on your back.

This practice can also be done seated. I'm gonna be seated the whole time, but, you can certainly pick what is comfortable for you. You can also lie down in a fetal position. And when you're ready, you'll close your eyes. Make all the necessary adjustments. Now so that you are fully supported.

And know that you can come out of this pose anytime. If you're feeling any discomfort, But to begin, we'll take a cleansing breath together in through the nose. You're gonna fill up all the way to the top of your lungs. Open your mouth and exhale audibly. We'll do that twice more.

Inhale slowly. Filling up. To the very top of the lungs. Pause and see if it's possible to sip in just a little more. Open the mouth, big exhale. One more in, out deeply.

Sip in a little more. Pause. Exhale completely. Take a moment to just notice your space. And where you are right now?

Yeah. The temperature of the room. Notice the sounds. And then start to bring your attention from the outer worlds to your inner space as you notice your breath. You notice the breath, your naval It rises and falls as you breathe. Notice the breath at your chest.

Observe it rising and falling as you breathe. And now feel the breath at your nostrils and the air traveling in through the nose and out through the nose. The coolness of the temperature as it travels into the body. And feel the warmth of the temperature as it exits the body. The breath is cool on the way in.

And warm on the way out. And notice the different touch points of your body making contact with the earth Imagine that as you inhale, the earth is rising to for you some support. And as you exhale, You receive that support and allow your whole body weight to drop onto the earth. As you inhale the earth rises to offer you support, And as you exhale, you relax into that support. Feel those different touch points in the back of your body resting comfortably on the earth.

I'm now gonna guide you through the different points on your body. As you explore with a genuine interest and love and kindness, Bringing attention to the space between your eyebrows. And softening the space between your eyebrows. Your throat center. Feel the center of your throat, opening and relaxing.

Your right shoulder. Right, elbow. Right, wrist, thumb. Second finger. 3rd finger.

4th finger. Pinky finger. Wrist, elbow, Right shoulder. Center of the throat. Left shoulder.

Left elbow. Left wrist. Thumb, second finger, 3rd finger. 4th finger. Pinky finger.

Rest. Elbow, left shoulder. Notice the center of your heart. Center of your chest. Soft and open.

The right side of your chest. Left side of your chest. Center of the chest. Naval Center. Feel a ripple of relax Station Naval Center.

Imagine a ripple of relaxation at your naval center. Center of the pelvis. Right, hip, right knee, Right. Engel. Big toe.

2nd, toe. 3rd, toe. 4th toe, pinky toe. Right ankle, right knee, Right hip. Center of the pelvis.

Left hip. Left knee. Left angle. Big toe. 2nd toe, 3rd toe, 4th toe, pinky, toe, left ankle, Left knee.

Left hip. Center of the pelvis. Just notice the warmth in a ripple of relaxation at the center of your pelvis. Naval Center. Heart Center.

Throte center. Center of the forehead. Notice all the different points, the 61 points on your body. Different points of relaxation within that you get to absorb and integrate. Notice your whole body.

Notice your whole body. Effortlessly, resting. Begin to bring awareness back into your body in this space. Notice your navel rise and fall. Let's do brave.

Notice the coolness of your inhale as it enters the body. And the warmth of your exhale as it exits your body. Allow your inhale to become more expansive. And your ex sales more full and complete? It's like your breath is just marking another transition as we start to make our way out of our yoga ninja practice.

You can move your toes, your fingers. Just take your arms, overhead, stretching, waking up the body gently, And when you're ready, start to make your way in to a fetal position rolling over to one side. Just pausing there for a moment, not in any rush to come out. And together, we'll come to a seated pose. Once you're seated, your eyes can be closed.

Or if they're open, just soften your gaze. And we'll join our palms together and just rub the hands quickly. Like, you're sitting in front of a campfire and you're warming up. And take your hands over your body, one over your abdomen, one over your hearts, Just as a gesture of appreciation or for your body, your mind, your spirit. The practice itself and set an intention for the remaining part of your day.

We'll join the palms together, bowing the chin to the heart, the light within the teacher within you and the teacher within me. Lift the chin. Open your eyes. Namaste.


Jenny S
1 person likes this.
Oh this was just what the doctor ordered for my seasonal pre-holiday frazzled nerves.  This yoga nidra had me under its spell almost immediately, in that blissful state of being asleep yet awake. 😴✨✨✨Now that we have finished, I feel so calm and refreshed.  Another favorite for sure!  
Kate M
Oh my goodness. I'll bookmark this practice for sure. Absolutely blissful.
Delia T
Great letting go practice. Thank you 
Steph C
Delia T I'm glad you were able to let go :) Thank you! 

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