Yoga for Back Pain Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 2

1 min - Show Intro


Welcome to Yoga for Back Pain Season 2. Through a progression of gentle, therapeutic classes, Olivia Barry guides you through various techniques for back pain relief, strengthening, and mobility, as well as addressing related areas such as the sacrum, neck, and pelvic floor. This thoughtfully crafted series offers a holistic approach to back care, combining gentle movements, targeted exercises, and mindful practices to help you find comfort, strength, and greater ease in your spine.
What You'll Need: No props needed

About This Video

Dec 12, 2024
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Hi. My name is Olivia Barry, and this is season 2 of yoga for Barry pain. I began this project with a mission to help people struggling with back pain. As a physical therapist, I see countless cases where our sedentary lifestyles and excessive device use lead to discomfort and reduced movement. Yoga is well known for its benefits in relieving physical, emotional, and mental stress, but those with back pain may hesitate to join a general class. That's why I've developed specific yoga sequences tailored to different back issues.

Some sequences focus on strengthening the back and core while others address sacroiliac dysfunction or next string from chronic cell phone use. Each sequence integrates physical therapy principles with yoga allowing you to safely practice and gain the benefits, even if your back feels sensitive. These sequences aren't just for those with pain. They can be preventative too. They offer new insights into yoga by emphasizing subtle techniques for working with the torso.

Ultimately, it's not just about what poses you do, but how you do them, that makes a real difference in your practice. I hope to see you on the mat.


Jenny S
Yay Olivia!  So happy to see you back for a second season 👏 And to Yoga Anytime, thank you for all the new shows coming out…lots to look forward to (after the holiday rush lol) 🕎🎄🤶
Olivia Barry, PT
Hi Jenny! Thank you for the warm welcome back to YA. And Happy Winter Solstice to you.  I'm excited to be here with you on YA! Olivia

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