Yoga for Emotional Resilience Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 4

Anchor in Gratitude

40 min - Practice


Brianna Turpin invites you to explore the power of gratitude as an anchor in life's ever-changing tides. This practice focuses on stretching both the physical body and our capacity for resilience, with an emphasis on the side body. Through mindful movement and reflection, students will cultivate a deeper sense of stability and groundedness, even amidst life's unexpected shifts and fluctuations.
What You'll Need: No props needed


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Welcome. I'm Brianna. This class is on flexibility and adaptability in cultivating emotional resilience. You will need no props for this class, and you can find yourself in a comfortable seat for us to begin. Find yourself in this comfortable seat lifting up really tall. You can allow the palms of the hands to turn upwards towards the sky and allow yourself to settle in and for the breath to deepen.

So we move through our practice today. Our focus is on our ability to be adaptable in the ever changing landscape of the mind and the body. So as you deepen your breath and you're you might close your eyes or keep a soft gaze as you drop in into this moment using the foundation of mindfulness and retrieving how you feel in this moment. So arriving and arriving and deepening your breath. If we consider the ocean and it's ever changing tides and weather and waves and experience, all things that are out of our control.

And this meditation and visual, imagine a small ship on the ocean. It's really disorienting to feel untethered and out of control in the way that a ship or a boat might feel riding on the ocean's whims. Our practice today is finding our anchor. So in this vision in you as the boat, as the ship, will drop an anchor here as a way for us to feel stable and connected. Cause when you drop an anchor, you can move and you can shift, but you'll stay in one place and be able to ride out the storm.

The anchor we use in the practice today is gratitude. And some good evidence that shows that our ability to cultivate gratitude and root into that helps us cultivate more emotional resilience. So as you sit here in this moment, you can allow the waves of gradual gratitude to rise to the surface. Making a list maybe one big thing. Maybe 5 things start to bubble to the surface.

Things you are grateful for in this moment. And as that feels complete to you, get a real cell get a real felt sense of of grounding and anchoring into those. A deep breath in. And a deep breath out. Bring your hands to your heart and prayer as the mark of the beginning of practice.

And the dropping of the anchor into gratitude. Get the felt sense of exactly what that is. Breathe in. Bow into the heart as you breathe out. Release the hands and lift the head.

Let the eyes blink open. You can unwind the legs for a moment, let them shake a little side to side and bring the soles of the feet together and the knees wide. You can hold the soles of the feet or the ankles as you fold forward in the effort of letting the head release, the essence of Swaha, the full and complete letting go. Let your head move a little side to side. And then slowly come on up, bring the fingertips behind you, and let your heart lift.

Let the breath in lift the sternum up words towards the sky, and then walk your hands towards center. Scoop up through the right knee and fold it in towards the left knee so that you end up with bent knee staggered towards your left. And place that left hand down on the ground next to you. Right arm will sweep up to the sky as you breathe in and up and overhead as you breathe out. There might be a few of these here in healing and allowing the arm to reach and exhaling reaching up and overhead. Maybe 1 or 2 more of these.

Good. And the next time you sweep up and over, hold there. A full breath in, and the breath out takes your right hand down to the ground. So you turn and orient and more of a twisted shape towards the mat towards the ground. He can stay exactly as you are, or if there's a little movement through the upper back that you'd like to take, you're welcome to take that here. Good. And then slowly start to rise up.

Mees can come up and together, and we'll take a moment to shift directly over to the other side. So both knees drop now over to the right, and the right hand comes down. Knees are staggered the same as before. The left arm will reach out to the side, breathe in, and exhale up and overhead as you breathe out. Inhaling, reaching, and extending as you exhale a few more just like this. This time, you'll reach up and hold up and over so that the side body is stretching and the breath breathes in.

Left hand comes down as you breathe out. Both hands come down to the mat and the heart turns forward. As if twisting, and you can invite motion into the upper back, or you can stay exactly as you are. Good. And then shape shift yourself all the way up to center for boat pose. Knees come together. Feet can lift. Arms, unfold forward with the palms Turpin upwards to the sky.

If boat pose is quite a challenge for you, you can put your heels down, still as effective, still just counts as much. And if you wanna extend your legs straight out, you're welcome to do that instead. The chest reaches forward and the shoulders go back and down and the breath breathes. Really good. 2 more full breaths exactly as you are.

Good. Feet come down onto the ground. Hands come behind you with the fingertips turning towards your seat, bend your elbows, and lift your heart to the sky. And if you're willing and ready, you can lift your hips up towards reverse tabletop. Mhmm. You have the ability to bend through the elbows here if you'd like for a tricep dip.

Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, slowly lower your seat down to the ground and lift your legs back up boat pose. That's an exhale. You inhale let your feet land down to the ground hands behind you You might use the inhale to lift yourself all the way up to the top, and the exhale to drop you right back down into boat pose. Good.

Inhale. End exhale, steady boat anchored. Good. Last two. And one. Breathe in here and start to make your way up and on to your hands and your knees. Can roll over cross legs, you can swing the weight the legs behind you in any way that you'd like.

Align the the wrist right underneath the shoulders, and the knees underneath the hips, and take a deep breath in, allowing the heart to reach forward, and the sit bones to reach that up and round as you exhale scooping in. Good. Follow your breath here. In cat cow, you can follow the breath in a way that feels slow and restorative. Or you can move the breath in a way that feels quicker and more invigorating in in either path that you choose, you're encouraged to use the full extent of the breath. So even if you're moving faster that the breath itself is moving or, still full and expansive too.

Last one forward breathe in. Find a neutral spine as you breathe out. Reach your right leg back behind you. The foot is flexed, and the toes are hovering. Turn the toes out to the side and swing the leg out to the side, stamp it in line with the left knee.

Walk your hands in so you rise up in a steady foundation to gate pose. You could allow your arms to stretch out to the sides. Take a deep breath in. Slide the right hand down the right leg as your left arm reaches up and overhead. A full breath in, and out. Rise all the way up, arms parallel to the earth, left hand reaches to the left side of the mat Rightum can reach to the sky, or it can reach up and overhead.

A full breath in. A full breath out. Sweep your right hand forward back to the top of the mat. Let the left hand meet you. Right leg sweeps back, and then you set it right back down to the mat cat cow to reset and recalibrate. A neutral spine, the left leg goes back behind you, toes Turpin down. You breathe in.

Turn the toes out to the side and step the foot in line with the right knee. Walk your hands back up, rise up, gate pose, stretches your arms out to the side, sliding the left hand down the left leg, and reaching the right arm up and overhead. Full breath in, and out. Rise up arms parallel to the earth and exhale the right arm reaches to the other side, right hand to the ground Left arm to the sky or up and overhead. Deep breath in. Left hand, sweet to the top of the mat, right hand comes along. Left leg swings behind you, set it down.

Bring your chest forward as you inhale. Curl the toes under for downward facing dog as you exhale. Breathe in, rise, or roll forward into plank pose, and as you exhale lower down to the earth, cobra pose, the chest will lift forward, breathe in, and downward facing dog as you breathe out. A full expansive breath in widened to your ribs. Slowly walk yourself up or hop yourself up into a forward fold at the top of the yoga mat.

Shake out the head, anchor through both feet, and sweep your arms out and up, reaching to the sky, inhaling and stretchy arms tall, and exhale, bring the hands to the heart. Keep the hands here and take a deep breath in. Let it go out the mouth. Arms reach out and up as you inhale. Right arm will slide down the right side of the body as the left arm reaches up and overhead.

Inhale reach both arms up. Left hand down, right arm up and overhead as you breathe out. Good. Inhale to rise. Elbows wide as you exhale the heart lifts. Arms reach will reach up to the sky as you breathe in and take yourself into the forward fold as you breathe out.

The half lift to lengthen look forward, breathe in, plank pose as you breathe out. Inhale in the plank, lower halfway or all the way, exhaling, cobra or upward facing dog, and downward facing dog. Let the head go completely in that downward facing dog. Allow the right leg to stretch up to the sky. Inhale. Three legged dog.

As you exhale step the foot up and in between the hands, keep your back heel lifted as you rise Turpin crescent posts. Breathe in, breathe out. Good. Inhale here. As you exhale, allow your back and knee to drop downwards as if to set the course of the anchor that drops you down that helps connect and ground you to tether you. Tailbone can reach downwards a little bit, and then the elbows can bend.

The heart reaches upwards towards the sky. Breathe in, and breathe out. We'll move with this a little bit. Inhale extend the arms upwards to the sky, and exhale bend. Good. Inhale reach up and exhale bend.

Good. Inhale rise all the way up. Stay for a breath and then bring the hands down to the earth, step back to plank and inhale. Lower down as you exhale. COBRA or upward facing dog and downward facing dog. Left leg will rise up, breathe in, three legged dog, Excel step the foot up and in between the hands.

Back heel remains lifted on this side as you rise to crescent. Grounding, connecting through both feet, and bending the right knee, setting the path of the anchor downwards, you know, you can toss your attention back to the beginning of practice of what it is that you're anchoring into. You might feel the emergence of one or many things of your sense of gratitude, elbows open wide, allowing this to be what carries you through the storm. In hell rise. And exhale bend.

So good. Inhaling and exhaling and get the feeling that You're anchored and you're connected, but that you can rise and fall as the tide moves, as the wave shift, as the landscape within you and outside of you changes. Rising up for the breath in. Hands come down as you breathe out. Step back to plank and lower.

COBRA or upward facing dog. And downward facing dog. Breathe in to lift your heels high, bend your knees look forward, hop, or step up to the hands. The half lift on the inhale. Fold in as you exhale.

Sweep your arms out and up. Breathe in. Right back to heart center with the hands as you breathe out. Inhale arms reach and rise, right hand down, left arm goes up and overhead the side body stretches, inhale to lift, and exhale to the other side. Inhale to rise.

Elbows wide as you exhale. Breathe in and reach forward fold as you exhale. Half lift to lengthen, breathe in, plank, lower through the flow, or take a rest if you would prefer, or if you need it, up dog or cobra and downward facing dog. 3 legged dog, right leg reaches to the sky Brianna in, crescent pose, step it through. Arms reach up to the sky. Inhale.

Anchor down elbows bend, back knee bends, exhale. 2 more just like that. Breathe in. Breathe out. Good. Inhale.

Exhale. Reach up, extend, and lengthen, and warrior too as you breathe out. Strong and steady, bending through the right knee, pushing down through the outer edge of that left foot, right arm reaches forward, out of the shoulder, and left arm reaches out to the back. Nice, steady, and strong feeling of being connected close to the earth. Breath in, and breathe out.

Start to straighten your right leg and turn your right toes in slightly. Both sets of toes will turn towards the out towards they'll turn outwards towards the edges of the mat as you bend deeply into goddess pose. So a very wide squat where your knees are tracing over your toes. One hand comes to the top of each thigh pretty close to the knees, and you'll take a deep breath in. As you exhale, drop your left shoulder inwards towards the center, arm can be straight and you can press towards the inner thigh.

Inhale and come up to center and exhale. Press into the right thighs. You drop your right shoulder downwards, twisting towards the left. Inhale come back to center. Twist, left hand presses in. And you'll do this a few times these shoulder dips shifting and changing.

Stay strong through both heels. You can adapt and shift and change this a little by twisting deeper or not twisting at all. And a few more breaths making this shape. Very good. Rise all the way up, turn the toes to the edges of the mat and start to fold yourself over into the wide leg forward fold.

Let the head go completely. You might even start to sway side to side with the upper body. Good. You also have the option to bend into one knee, bend into the other, and to make this forward fold into something that feels quite good. Come back to center when it's complete. Walk your hand over to the right foot, turn the right toes to the front of the mat and lift your back heel.

Walk the right toes out to the right, turning the right toes out slightly. It's possible that you keep your back knee lifted for this lizard pose, or you can lower your back. Me if you prefer. Allowing the hip shift to shift forward, you can breathe in and allow the heart to reach forward. And as you exhale lower down a little bit, some of you may drop onto your elbows, if that feels comfortable to you, maybe just left elbow and right palm.

You can turn inwards and take some deep breaths in with the option to allow the eyes to close. And if you're on your elbows, walk your hands in so that you're on the palms of the hands. Shift into a wide hamstring stretch by allowing the right leg to stretch long. Walking the hands back, both hands are still on the center of the right leg. So it's feel it has a different feel to it. The foot flexes, the right hip wraps back.

To amplify this feeling more, you might reach the heart forward as you breathe in. Enfold deeper in as you breathe out. As you walk your hands forward, we may transition towards a pigeon pose by walking the foot a cross the mat and dropping your right shin onto the ground for pigeon prep. If you're moving into pigeon pose, you can start to come downwards, walking your hands forward, and resting in some way. I'll be returning to the lizard pose.

They have some things happening in my hips, and you're invited to join me too or to remain in your pigeon pose as we come into stillness. Here. Initiate the Brianna. And from your pigeon, begin to walk your hands in curl the back toes under slightly. And from your pigeon or your lizard pose, lift your back knee up and slowly unwind and unfurl, allowing the right leg to reach and lift behind you.

You can bend the knee and make a circle if that feels good to you. And you also have the option of taking a nice slow vinyasa between your practice. Playing Chaturanga, an inhale, and the upward dog, and downward facing dog. Left leg rises high behind you and three legged dog as you breathe in. Step it up and in between the hands as you breathe out, crescent pose, rise up.

Arms sweep to the sky, breathe in. Bend your back knee, elbows wide, exhale anchoring in. Breathe in, reach up, breathe out, anchor in, draw one more just like this. Inhale to rise. Warrior 2 as you breathe out.

Feet might widen just a bit, arm sweep wide, bent knee out front, outer edge of the back foot pressing in. Breathe in a connected way here. Start to straighten your left leg, turn the toes in just a bit. Turn the right toes out, bend both knees into your goddess pose, heavy through both heels, just as lifted for a moment as you transition to the hands onto the thighs. Breathe in.

Right shoulder reaches to the center of the circle. You can press into the right thigh. Inhale back up to center and exhale switch to the other side. Mhmm. Breathing in, taking it as deep as you would like into a twist by looking up and back behind you with your gaze. Couple more.

Straighten both legs. Turn your toes forward. A wide leg forward fold comes next. If this time, if you'd like to interlace your fingers behind your back, to lift your chest and then dive inwards to the Prasarita Pada Utenasana, you're welcome to do that. And if you get there and it doesn't feel right, make sure you shift and change to a place that feels good.

You can shift forward just a bit, allowing your sit bones to reach up. If your hands are interlaced or behind your back, you can allow them to come down to the ground. Walk your hands towards your left foot and lift your back heel. Both hands will come to the inside of the left foot. The left foot can walk to the left.

Your right knee could remain lifted, or you could lower it down to the ground, shifting the hips forward, Turpin coming to your version of lizard pose, which means hands can stay, or you can walk yourself down onto 1 or both forearms. Slow, steady breath. If you're on your forearm, start to make your way back up onto the hands so that you can shift your hips back, walk the hands back, and flex the left foot. Left foot is flexed, leg is long, breath is breathing. You're invited to wrap the left hip back and to flex the foot even more.

And as you're ready, we'll move towards pigeon pose by walking the hands forward. And if you'd like, you'll take that foot across the mat, setting your shin down. If you took the lizard pose on the other side, you're, you're welcome to take that here. And when it's time, you'll breathe in and stay as you are or start to lower down onto forearms or reaching your hands as far forward. As you'd like.

When you're ready, you can slowly start to walk your hands in. Curly your back toes under and start to lift your back knee. Make your way back into downward dog or 3 legged dog. The left leg can reach up and unwind. And set the foot down.

Breathe in, come to plank pose slowly from the last time, lowering downwards COBRA or upward facing dog. And downward facing dock. A deep, full wide expansive breath into your ribs. And lower your knees down to the ground as you exhale. Move the knees to the side and start to come down to our seat.

Turpin yourself so that your legs are reaching to the end of the mat. Can lift up tall here, extend your arms forward, and breathe in Slowly lower down onto the back as you breathe out. It'll feel quite good to lean back, to lie back, and settle in There's any movement here that you'd like to take, you're welcome to take it, draw your knees up and into your chest, holding on to the backs of the thighs or the fronts of the knees, I'm giving them a squeeze inwards to release through the lower back. You can rock a little side to side here. Gently move both knees over to the right side of the net the mat dropping them into a twist and allowing the left arm to reach out to the left.

Take your gaze out towards the left fingertips and breathe into the lower back. Two more full breaths here. Gently bring your knees back up to center, hugging them into the chest. Take your breath in, and lower the knees over to the left let your right arm reach out to the right side. And breath into your lower back? 2 more breaths.

And slowly bring your knees back up and into your chest. Take any last movement that you would like before we rest. And when you're ready, allow your legs to reach long. You can bring your hands to a comfortable place by your side or onto the body, and allow the breath to begin to release. Think about it like the calm after the storm.

Oh, peaceful sea. Restful ease. Shavasana. Take a deep breath in. Let it go.

Invite gentle movement into the body and fingers and toes and head moving side to side. Vendor your knees and gently roll to your right side and slowly make your way up to your seat. Find yourself seated tall, lifting up, and the poem's turning upwards, and the breath deepening. Anchoring yourself now through the practice of gratitude. Allowing what emerges to emerge, making a list, or finding one illuminated spot of gratitude.

And bring the hands to the heart and prayer. Take a deep breath in and bow into the heart. To the inner light that has guided you always and always well. Thank you for sharing your practice.


Jenny S
3 people like this.
I savored the slow, steady pace of this one as I work my way back into practice following an epic head cold 🤧.  Side stretches felt particularly good - spreading the gills, so to speak.  Namaste 🙏🏻❤️
Christel B
1 person likes this.
Very yummy practice with a neat way to get into gate pose.
Michelle F
2 people like this.
Hi Brianna
Happy new year to you and all at yoganytime.
Gratitude abounds for this sweet practice - great way to start the week! I too loved the gate pose too!

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