As the day ends, we honor the lunar qualities of inner knowing. The moon helps us see in the dark and awaken the more mysterious and deeper aspects of ourselves. Do all three practices or choose the one(s) that suit you best. Happy Equinox!
9 Salutes to the Moon
With the intention of opening the deeper layers of ourselves, Julia guides us through 9 rounds of groovy hip opening and grounding Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutations). You will feel refreshed and luminous.
Cooling Pranayama
On our way into Savasana, Kira guides us through 9 simple rounds of Sitali Pranayama (Cooling Breath) and into a quiet affectionate observation of the exhalation. You will feel spacious and open.
108 Chants to the Moon
Julia closes our evening practice with 108 rounds of Om Chandraya Namaha (I bow to Energies of the Moon) to honor the wise, dark, and receptive qualities of the moon. You will feel quiet and available.
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