Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: Integration 6<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: Integration 6
Nathan Briner

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Nathan Briner
Christel, this is fantastic! You have really captured the essence of the integration section! I’m so happy you are connecting to these feelings and experiences. Thank you for sharing this!
Ruth O
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That was one of my all time favorite yoga months!Thank you so much, Nathan. I was riveted the entire 30 days. I looked forward to each class and grew in my practice in new and interesting ways. What a pleasurable experience. I will be revisiting the series. Thank you for your teaching excellence. Sincerely, Ruth 
Nathan Briner
Ruth!! What a wonderful comment to see this morning! I am grateful to hear that you had such an impactful experience. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences throughout your journey in this challenge. I look forward to hearing from you on your second round and learning about all the new strength and depth you are unlocking in your poses. 
Wishing you continued success! 
Namaste 🙏 
Martha K
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Nathan. This challenge was a complete joy! I learned so much and felt so much and my awareness just expanded all over the place! You are a master and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to practice with you. Namaste.
Luna K
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Thank you so much Nathan for this challenge. I took my time before doing the last lesson as I didn't want to say goodbye! Awareness changed everything for me. I
Looking forward to round 2. Namatse 🙏🏾
Nathan Briner
Martha! Thank you for the kind words! 
Congratulations on completing the challenge. And thank you for sharing your experiences along the way. I’ll be here by your side for round two. Don’t be shy to ask for advice or help anytime. 
Wishing you the best! 
Nathan Briner
Great job, Luna! You say awareness changed everything. If you have a minute I’d love to hear what you felt what the awareness changed in you. 
Awesome being here with you. Please stay in touch in round two. 
All my best!
Luna K
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I was talking about body awareness. Noticing what you were describing and doing in terms of what my body allowed me to do. Focusing on my breath in meditation pose for example helped me to be in the present. 
There are certain things that I could not do before, and doing it a second time will allow me to see how much improvement I have made in terms of the execution. One example was in the downward facing dog, I could not get my heels to touch the ground and it is something that I'm striving to be able to do.
Nathan Briner
Luna, that’s fantastic!  I can’t wait to hear what you  experience on the second round :)
Ishara S
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Thank you so much for this series--it has been full of pearls and a great learning challenges. Namaste!
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