Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: Integration 6<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: Integration 6
Nathan Briner

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what a terrific series. thanks for this gift Nathan. :)
Nathan Briner
Matthew, you are very welcome. Great to have you here. It was great to hear from you along the journey. My other series Aligned and Awake is something I think you would enjoy. The lessons are 60 minutes and offer more detail on alignment and mindset. Hope to see you there 🙏
Eric M
Thank you. I might just go back to the start. What a great challenge. 
Nathan Briner
Eric! Congratulations on completing the challenge. I highly recommend repeating this challenge. You’ll be amazed at how much more you can do. Your strength, your balance, everything will have changed. I’d love to hear what you experience in round 2. All my best!
Kate G
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I’ve just completed the 30 days and I’m so glad I have done this. I am trying to set a pattern and rhythm in my mind and body for daily practice again and this has really helped. Thank you for you experience and wisdom Nathan. I may go again!
Nathan Briner
Kate! Congratulations on completing the 30 days and reaching for your goal of deepening your practice. 
I will be here for you if you take a second journey through the challenge. And we have some new classes on the horizon. Stay tuned :) 

Christine D
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Thank you for this wonderful challenge!  As per your suggestion earlier, I'm doing three hamstring strengthening exercises after our practise.   I find myself standing properly in my daily life and really appreciate the body awareness you teach in the final integration.  I'm going to repeat this challenge with my new mindfulness.  
Christine D
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Oh yes, and I see you're doing The Kira Show in November.  See you then!
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Thank your for this wounderful challenge. I have learnt so much. Tomorrow I will go back to ”The go to sequence” to feel how that feels after the challenge. I will then do this cykle again. Thank you.
Nathan Briner
Christine, I’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed the challenge and can fee the changes in your body. Thank you for leaving comments and asking questions. I will see you in November:)
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