Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: Integration 6<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: Integration 6
Nathan Briner

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Nathan Briner
Charlotte , congratulations on completing the challenge. I’d love to hear how the go to routine feels to you now with all of your experience and strength. Stay in touch :)
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Thank you Nathan. My body felt strongef and more open espciallay around the hips. Also I now clearly could feel and work with a Slightly weaker left side of the body. I will now go back to challenge day 1. And probably do the Go to Seqeunce inbetween two or three times a week. I am now in a stable habit of 30 min of yoga every morning since nine months. I will be back to let you know how it goes.
Nathan Briner
Charlotte , Congratulations on completing the challenge💪👍
Sounds like you made a number of powerful discoveries through the consistent practice. It’s been great to be here with you. I would love to hear how you feel working through the challenge a second time. Reach out any time you have a question. 
All my best,
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Hi Nathan, I can feel that I am stronger now, the second time around in the strength sektion. I am starting to consistently be able to feel the space in my chest, something I have longed for for a long time. Now it is also easier to cathch and understand all you ques. Thank you.
Nathan Briner
Charlotte, that’s fantastic! I love that you can feel these changes and that they are holding strong. If I can offer some further encouragement, imagine what ongoing practice can continue to bring. Strength and new space will grow, a depth of sensitivity will emerge, an immense appreciation for the body and mind develops. And all this and more feeds back on itself in an ongoing blossoming cycle. Keep up the great work!!
Jane W
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Thank you Nathan! I had been grieving the closing of my yoga studio and gym because of covid. My local yoga teachers did their best with their phones,  Zoom and their living rooms but it never clicked for me. And then, I found YogaAnytime and your 30-day challenge. This well-designed course, your kind enthusiasm and spot-on cues have brought me back to yoga, mindfulness and a thirst for more. Thanks again and namaste.
Nathan Briner
Jane, I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to hear something like this, especially during these difficult times. I am so happy that you found a practice that inspires you and helps you stay committed to feeding your body with movement and awareness. I wish you great things and I hope to see you here for round 2 😊 or in one of my other series on 

All my best!
Meagan P
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Such a wonderful "end" to a beautiful challenge. Thank you so much, Nathan! 

I do have one question- when you say to really straighten the standing leg in tree pose and the one before,  how would it be best for someone with hypermobile knees? I'm working hard at not overextending them, but then I'm left feeling unsteady in the standing pose. I'm at a bit of a loss as to how I should best not push myself past "normal", but still being able to have the same stability as anyone else would have. Thanks and looking forward to enjoying more of your practices. 
Nathan Briner
Meagan P, congratulations on completing the 30 day challenge! It’s been great to hear from you during your journey. 
You ask a great question regarding hyper mobile knees in standing poses. What I think you’ll find is that, for you, the quads are dominating the action of the leg which pushes the knee back. Try creating an opposing muscle force from both the hamstring and calf against that of the leg  to balance the quads, especially behind the knee. Press these muscles against the femur and tibia. Let me know how that works for you and we can adjust from there :)
If you would like to practice other yoga lessons with me on Yoga Anytime, check out Aligned and Awake as well as the YogaRx season 2. I think you’ll enjoy those practices. 
All my best!
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Hi Nathan! Thank you for this challenge. I have now completed it the second time around. Awsome. I can tell that I am stronger, more flexible and musch more balanced. I can feel the space in my chest of and on in practise and call on it sometimes off the mat. Thank you again. I now plan to so another 30 day challenge on Yoga Anytime and then redo this one. See you soon.
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