Good Morning Yoga with Alana: Morning Hip Stretches<br>Alana Mitnick

Good Morning Yoga with Alana: Morning Hip Stretches
Alana Mitnick

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Alana Mitnick
Laura M - Awe thank you, Laura! Me too! So grateful to share some new practices and energy with you. XoA
Charlotte M
1 person likes this.
Oh how I've missed your classes, what a beautiful return and am already looking forward to the next one! 
Sandra Židan
Hi, Alana! I am so happy to be able to practice with you again and that you have new practices here on Yoga Anytime. Thanks for this beautiful practice! Namaste and best regards from Croatia! 🙏🥰❤️
Alana Mitnick
Charlotte M - Wonderful to receive your message! I am so happy to be back together in Yoga. Keep me posted on how these practices feel for you. Enjoy! 
Alana Mitnick
Sandra Židan - What a gift to be sharing new yoga practices with you. Thank you for being here and joining us from Croatia! Enjoy and stay close. 
Robin S
1 person likes this.
Thank you ! great practice just enough time to get my blood pumping and ready for the day. Really enjoyed your voice! Ill be back for more 
Alana Mitnick
Robin S - Right?! It's amazing what 30 minutes of yoga can do! I'm so glad you enjoyed this practice (and my voice). Thank you for being here and sharing, Robin! 
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