Hands On Adjustments Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome: Hands on Adjustments

1 min - Show Intro


Hands on Adjustments can be a transformational part of the yoga practice. They can deepen our experience of a posture, help us access poses that we otherwise may not be able to access, and expand the entire experience of the yoga journey. Rosemary, with the help of students, will help us explore the alignment, verbal cues, and various hands on adjustments for a number of common yoga postures. It is our hope that with this new knowledge you are able to offer your students an incredible gift.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Feb 16, 2019
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Hands-on adjustments can be a transformational part of the practice. We know in our own bodies that they can deepen us into a pose, they can help us access poses that we otherwise can't access, and at their best, ultimately, they can just expand the entire experience of the yoga journey. So in this course, we're looking at the specificity of alignment for a number of really common poses that we all tend to offer, and then once we've broken down the essential alignment, we're moving into verbal cues and, of course, the hands-on adjustments and sometimes how they interplay. The hope is that as teachers, you'll be able to offer this to your students as an incredible gift. It's been a pleasure to share.

It's one of my most favorite aspects of teachings. Enjoy and namaste.


3 people like this.
I’ve been waiting for this show since I saw it promo’d on Instagram! I’m excited to get started to learn more about adjustments. Thank you for including this!
Rosemary Garrison
YAY! Thank you, Marlo. I"m so happy to hear this and I hope it helps!
1 person likes this.
This series is so so so useful! I am taking my first 200 hour teacher training, and have not been able to see hands on adjustments, so this is amazing. It does remind me of wonderful adjustments I received in the past. Thank you Rosemary.
Rosemary Garrison
This makes me so happy, Ali ! I adore hands on adjustments and value them so highly (obviously ; ) . It's a joy to share and it's so good to hear that they are useful. I hope you are able to return to a studio and safely adjust your students soon!

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