Chair Yoga Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 10

Balance Chair Practice

40 min - Practice


Karen, with the help of Colette and Alice, guides us in an active standing balancing practice using the chair for support. We begin in Mountain Pose with shoulder movements before flowing into full body stretching. This practice focuses on balance, stability, strength, and flexibility.
What You'll Need: Chair


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Hello, everybody, and welcome to class today. I'd like to welcome my dear friends. I have Colette here on my right, and I have Alice here to my left. And we're going to do a wonderful practice today, a very active practice using the chair as support, and we'll get started. So we're going to release the hands to the floor, and we're going to find our beautiful mountain pose.

So let's everybody have a look at your feet. They're going to be hip distance apart for now, and the outer sides of the feet are almost parallel with each other. And we're going to find our beautiful inhale, just allowing to receive the inhale as we stretch up, out through the crown, nice tall spine, soft shoulders, soft through the knees, and just feeling the breath elongate the spine. And we're going to allow for the breath to make us taller, to come out of our joints, come out of our knees, come out of our hips, and ah, exhale through the shoulders and let the hands, the fingers, release towards the floor. We're going to have two full breaths here, just establishing the mountain, coming inwardly into the practice, inwardly into ourselves and our body.

And just a couple more breaths here, nice tall spine, exhale, deep grounding in the feet, soft heart, soft gaze, soft shoulders. One more, just like that, nice and tall, and nice and grounding. Beautiful. So we're going to work initially here with the shoulders. So we're going to have some shrugs, we're going to take the right shoulder up to the right ear and just feel that little traction and contraction to the right neck there and release the hands towards the floor and let's go to the left.

And we're just going to do alternate here for a couple of times, right and left, just feeling the body, feeling the neck, and feeling the shoulder descend and the hands go towards the floor. Beautiful. And then when you're ready, release both arms, take an inhale, exhale, and stand nice and tall. And now we're going to take both shoulders to the ears, bring it all the way up and then just drop, ah, yes, again, all the way up and drop. Two more.

And up on the inhale, exhale, release, again, up to the ears, and release. Beautiful. So we're going to have a little movement now. We're going to take the left foot forward and the right arm forward, and we're just going to swing the arm back and forth, swinging it to the front and swinging it to the back. And the feet are moving as well and we're in a bent knee, so the back heel is coming up and then the front toe comes up, and we're just getting a little movement, a little heat, just a couple more here, front and back.

And then when you're ready, we're going to go to a full circle. So front up and behind you, front up and behind you, of course, this messes up the rhythm in our feet, that's okay. One or two more like that. Just feel the side body, feel the shoulder moving. You can watch the hands if you'd like.

And when you're ready, let the arm come down and let's bring it behind us and up in front. Whoop-la, behind and up in front, behind and up in front, nice. Feeling nice and warm, beautiful. And release the arm, bring the feet back to Tadasana, inhale nice and tall, release the shoulders, beautiful. We're going to take the right foot forward and the left arm forward, and we're doing that swing, bending through the knees, getting a little bit of movement, a little bit of heat, and we're in a flow.

So we're flowing, a little dancey, a little fun. And when you're ready, we're going to do a full circle up and behind and up and behind. And you can twist the body here as you do that. Just feel the whole body action, there's a lot happening. And when you're ready, we're going to take the hand behind us, up and in front, beautiful.

A handful of those, breathing, inhale, bringing it up, exhaling, releasing the arm, very nice. And then when you're ready, let's go ahead and come back into our Tadasana, inhale tall, and exhale, release the shoulders, palms are in front, very nice. Just find that breath, nice and long and tall. Exhale deep into the feet, very beautiful. And when you're ready, let's go ahead and make a fist with our hands, and we're going to bring the fist close to our rib cage and the elbows are behind us.

We're going to work a little bit in the triceps. So we're just going to send the lower part of our hand behind us. We're squeezing the blades a little bit. I'm going to turn around and show you what that looks like. And we're going to do this for about four or six times, we're squeezing the blades.

You can have a microbend in the knee here. And you let the tricep just work as you contract it in the back, beautiful. And when you're ready, release the hands, find that mountain stance, and get nice and tall, beautiful. And when you're ready, we're going to find the arms extended from the shoulders, beautiful. And we're going to crisscross the hands in front of us, we're going to take the right arm under first, we'll open again, then we'll take the left arm under.

So a little alternating of the arms. When you're ready, inhale broad through the chest, exhale crisscross in the front, right arm goes under, inhale open, squeeze a little bit, and the other arm goes, yes, beautiful. Inhale open, and crisscross, inhale open, last one, crisscross, beautiful. Releasing the arms, finding the stance, nice and tall with the inhale, exhale some beautiful grounding through the feet, soft jaw, soft through the gaze, soft shoulders, and a beautiful sturdy spine, very nice. And when you're ready, let's go ahead and have the fingers come to the shoulders.

So we're bent through the elbows, we're going to do some circles leading with the elbows, so bringing them up and out to the side, and up and out to the side, beautiful. And you can make this be as big, those circles be as big as you'd like, we're going in one direction initially. You can bend through the knees a little bit if you'd like, oh, that just feels so good. You can have a sweet little smile, and we're going to go in the opposite direction, so down to the front and out to the sides, oh yeah, beautiful, very nice. And two more, just like that, and release the arms, we're finding our mountain, so each time we find the mountain, we're just finding our stance, we're coming back into body, we're coming back to breath, we're finding the ease, the effort being even with the ease and the breath, just take a moment, oh, that mountain pose just feels so delicious.

Okay, so we're going to raise the arms again out from the shoulders, and we're going to have the palms come together. So when you're ready, take a deep inhale and open the palms first, squeeze the blades at the back, and maybe the chest comes up and the head might rise a little bit or you'll look up a little bit, and from the exhale, we're going to bring the arms, the hands together, and as the hands come together, you're going to look at the thumbs and drop the chin to the chest, just a little cervical roll, cervical spine roll, and inhale, open it up, big feathers, big blossoming, big inhale, the inspiration of the inhale opening you up, and exhale, bring it all the way together, and as the thumbs meet, drop the chin, inhale, open it up, and exhale, close it as you drop the head, nice and slowly, being careful in the cervical spine, inhale, open, and exhale, release, yes, drop the head, and just gently release the arms by your side, and sweetly and softly pick up the head, look directly in front, find your mountain, release the shoulders, nice big exhale, feel some grounding, beautiful. Okay, and from this beautiful mountain, we're just going to pick up the lower hands, the lower arms, the elbows are close to the body, the palms are facing forward, and we're just going to drop through the wrists, drop, drop, drop, drop, nice, beautiful, and when you're ready just turn the wrists, the palms up, and just flick as if you're flicking to yourself, and drop the fingers behind you, yeah, nice, very good, and then release, just shake out the hands, beautiful, and then I'd like for you to get the fingers together, and just hold them with the thumb, and we're just going to flick, flick through the fingers, and really feel all the knuckles on the fingers, and then we're just going to release the arms, and flick, and I'm going to flick to collect, and I'm going to flick to Alice, I'm going to flick to the ceiling, flick to the floor, flick out to the sides, and then we're going to shake the hands, ooh, a little energy in the hands there, very nice, we're just going to take that deep inhale nice and tall, exhale through the feet, release the shoulders, head nicely between the shoulders, breathing up through the spine, out through the crown, and exhale down through the feet, beautiful, and last arm action, we're going to pick up the arms and come into football arms, so our elbows are right from the, extended right from the shoulders, nice inhale, little squeeze in the back, and when you're ready, we're going to exhale, we're going to bring the elbows and palms to touch, and we're squeezing here at the pecs a little bit, and inhaling, opening, beautiful, nice and tall, a little squeeze at the back, exhale, bring it on in, inhale, open, and exhale, squeeze, ooh, and two more, open, beautiful, nice fluid movement, last one, open it up, and come on forward, beautiful, take a breath, release the hands to the floor, find your mountain, nice long extension, and ah, beautiful, nice, beautiful, so we're going to come to the a quarter sun salutations, we're going to bring the hands here to the heart, we're just taking a moment here to find that elongated spine, that grounding through the feet, and we're going to take an inhale here at the heart, inhale, and as we exhale, we're going to open up the hands and the fingers, and gently push down this subtle energy that's underneath the hands, we're going to bend through the knees and scoop up as much of the space as we can, finding the sun to salute, and exhale, looking at the hands as we bring down the sun energy towards the heart, beautiful, one more like that, inhale here at the heart, and exhale, release to the earth, beautiful, and rising, that's such a beautiful word, to rise, salute the sun, and exhale, come on here to the heart, very nice, beautiful, and releasing the hands, so we're going to work a little bit now on our toes, we're going to come up on our tippy toes, I'm going to hold the chair here, and Alice and Colette can hold the chair in front of them too, this will depend on your balance, so play with that a little bit at home, so we're first going to pick up the right heel and get into the toes, onto the ball and into the tippy toes, and then release that, and then go to the other side, so we're just feeling into the ball of the foot and the tips of the toes, one or two more on each side, nice, and keep the integrity of the spine, especially as we're going to be rising here in a moment, very nice, last one on the other side, and then just release the heels, and the feet are hip distance apart, I'm still going to hold onto the chair as we lift up on the tippy toes and bring the heels up, we're not going to go to our full extension yet, we're going to come on back down, each time we're playing with the balance, come on up with the inhale and down, we're going to do this about two or three more times up on the tippy toes, and each time we're extending through the toes, through the ball of the foot, and through the height of the body, one or two more, and if you want to play with balance, you can release one hand or two, and sometimes if you're coming away with both hands, it's often nice to have the hands on the hips or in front or out to the side, you'll decide, beautiful, one or two more like that, let's keep that going, just playing with the balance, whoop, and you might wobble, that's okay, and release and come to the heels, take a moment here, beautiful, and I'm going to hold the chair and take my left foot out in front, and I'm going to then pick up the foot, and I'm going to flex and point, and flex and point, we're going to do this for a handful of times, and we're going to open up the yoga toes and deepen the stretch each time, feeling the shin and the quad at the front when I point, and then also the Achilles heel, the calf, that feels so good, and then we're going to circle the ankle in one direction, now you're steady here on that supported leg, that right leg, but it's a lot of work, so it's nice to have the chair to help, and then go in the opposite direction, and again, trying to keep the integrity of the spine, but soft through the jaw, soft through the shoulders, and release, beautiful, just shake out the supported leg, release the hands, walk it through, nice, we're going to move to the second side, so we're going to bring our awareness to the left leg, the left foot, because that's where the weight will be bearing on that side, be very careful when you pick up the right foot and extend it to the front, let's do that initially, and you can hold onto your chair, I want you to be careful that the left hip doesn't fall out to the side, so the left hip is directly over the knee and the spine is elongated, we're going to pick up the right foot and start with that pointing and flexing again, on the right side, and you can feel the weight on the left there, but this feels really delicious stretch in the ankle, in the front of the foot, and you might hear a little crackle, that if you do hear one now at home, that's because it's mine, and just rotate in one direction, and rotate in the other direction, yeah, very nice, and then just release that, and shake it out again, oh, that feels so good, so we're going to do what I call a little swimmer stretch, again it's a full body experience, I'm going to have Colette and Alice just give themselves a little space away from their chair, so at home make sure you have space to stretch the arm deeply in front of you, so we're going to start with taking the left arm out to the front and the left knee bends as the right hip goes behind you and the right elbow goes behind you, like you're getting ready to do a big swim, and you can look behind or in front, whichever feels good for you, and we're going to alternate, like as if you're swimming, beautiful, and engage the abdominals here to support the back, you're hinging at the hips, you're alternating the bend in the knee, and you're just getting into the waist body, and you're really sending the fingers out in front, one or two more, just like this, yeah, nice, beautiful, and to stop we just release the hands and inhale tall, and exhale find your mountain, beautiful, very nice, so we're going to now, I'm going to invite Colette and Alice to come a little closer to the chair, beautiful, we're going to use the chair to hold onto as we do a little side stretch, so we just have the feet be hip distance or a little closer whichever feels very steady for you, and you can hold the chair with one hand if you like, I'm going to extend both arms, we're going to inhale the arms up, beautiful, and then when you're ready we're going to take hold of the left wrist, and we're going to exhale and tip over to the right, and inhale come on up, and exhale go to the other side, switch the wrists, and inhale go ahead and come on up, we're going to do that one more time, exhale tip over to the left, inhale up, and exhale tip over to the right switching the wrists, beautiful, and release the arms, so you've felt a bit of a side stretch there, we're going to get a little deeper, we're going to cross the legs, so we're going to pick up the right foot and cross the right foot over the left, and I'm sort of squeezing the lower part of my leg here to get a nice sturdy squeeze through the buttocks, and inhale nice and tall, and the chair is there for you if you would like it, yes, and because we've crossed the right leg we're going to pick up the right arm, and stretch deeply through the fingers and press down through the feet, and when you're ready exhale tip over to the left, nice, take a moment here to press down through both feet and then inhale come on up, and release the arm, and release the crossing of the feet, so just stabilize for a moment, and we're going to cross the feet over again, this time the left one is coming over the right, and it can take a little time just to find the feet, and find that little hug down there between the calf and the shin bones down there, beautiful, press down through the feet and inhale nice and tall, this time because we've crossed the left leg we're going to pick up the left arm, inhale up and out through those fingers, find that whole side body stretch, and when you're ready exhale and tip on over to the right, and we're going to stay here again pressing down through the feet, maybe you dip a little more as you press down through the feet, and then inhale come all the way up, and release the arm, and uncross the feet, beautiful, so shake that out, and we're going to now do a half solute salutation using the chair, so I'm just going to turn to the sides the ladies are ready, so we're going to turn to the side we're going to bring the hands to the heart, and we're going to inhale here, and we're going to exhale and release the hands to the floor, inhale to rise up and extend out through the fingers, as we hinge through the hips and swan dive flat back, the heels of our hands are coming to the chair, and we're going to walk out away from the chair, finding our chair dog, and you can have bent knees here, and we're going to wiggle through the buttocks, and find that lovely extension through the side body, the eyes are looking down, the ears between the elbows, and this can feel super nice, and the knees can be bent, they can extend the buttocks and the backs of the legs towards the ceiling, whatever feels good for you, four breaths here, inhaling and exhaling, finding length and traction from the crown of the head to the coccyx, inhaling, exhaling, allowing for the armpits in the shoulder to come towards the floor, the chest and the shoulders, inhale rise look towards the chair, bring the arms up on the inhale, and exhale come to the heart, we're going to do one more like that, inhale at the heart, and exhale release to the earth, and rise here to the sun, and salute as you swan dive forward, and bring the legs back, and find your tail, wiggle your tail, find your side body, exhale, we're going to just be here for two breaths now, and we're finding that lovely extension from the head to the cranium to the sacrum, and look forward, inhale and walk as you lift the body up on the exhale, find the feet, and then inhale lift the arms up, and exhale to the heart, beautiful, so I'm going to turn around to you now, and so too will Colette and Alice, we're going to do a whole leg series, and we're going to use the chair to support us, okay, so we're going to have the chair here to support us if we need it, we're going to do what I call a little knee drive, we're going to drive the knee in the direction of the toes, so we're going to first start with the left foot forward, and we're going to bend through the knee a little bit, we're going to come up on the heel at the back foot, and the full front foot is on the floor, so the full foot on the floor, yeah, and we're just going to send the knee in the direction of toes two or three, and come back and straighten, and come forward and back, and forward and back, and forward and back, so a handful of times here, you can really feel the quad working as the foot is nice and steady, and the quad is moving, helping move the torso, but you're not in the knee at all, and it just feels so nice, it's great strengthening for the knee, beautiful, so we're going to stop here and bring that foot back, and go to the other side, so the right foot comes forward, a bent knee, up on the back heel, and we're going to drive the knee in the direction of toe two or three, and just feel nice and steady, and a lovely fluid movement, nice and steady from the hip to the knee, and the knee out towards the direction of the toe, beautiful, so bend that front knee, the front foot is steady, so go ahead and keep that front foot flat, and the knee is just driving, very nice, okay, and then when you're ready, let's go ahead and come on back, take a moment, find your feet in Tadasana, steady on up, and allow for the exhale to ground you, and for the inhale to extend you, that feels very, very nice, okay, so we're going to now pick up the left knee, so find the weight in the right foot, the chair is available for you, and we're picking up the left knee, the knee is going to be almost directly in front of the left hip, and we're just dangling the lower part of the limb, and if you like you can have the fingers, some fingers touching right below the quad, right on top of the knee, and we're just going to circle the lower limb, so I want you to be careful not to get into the ankle, and it's really tricky, and it sometimes takes a little bit of maneuvering and awareness, because it can be interesting, some of us want to go into the hip or into the ankle, but it's just in the knee, and if you touch the top of the knee, you can actually feel the action right there, and now go in the opposite direction, which can be a bit of a brain teaser as well as everything else, but not ankle, just knee, very nice, and release, that's a lot of work on both the hip, on the left side, and also the supporting leg, so other side to do, pick up the right knee, it's in front of your right hip, dangle the lower part of your limb, and let's circle through the knee there, oh yeah, that feels so nice, it can feel quite lubricating and freeing, and it sends a lot of energy up to the hip and down to the toes, and then go in the opposite direction, beautiful, try not to be into the ankle at all, and if this is your first time for doing this, trying this out, let's go ahead and release the leg, shake it out, if that's the first time to do that, just wriggle out your hips and your knees while we're chatting here, just play with it a little bit at home, and if you want to be close to a wall, because it can feel quite supportive if you have the whole arm against the wall, okay, so a couple more things to do, we're going to pick up the left knee, bring it into, up and in towards the body a little bit, and release it down, go to the other side, pick up the right one, so we're just moving through the hip and you're broadening that space in the back buttocks, and you can just point the toes down as you pick it up and release, maybe you'll get a little higher each time, yeah, and try to keep the crown extending up to the ceiling, nice, this time we're going to pick up the left knee and then extend the leg out in front, whoo, and release, pick up the right one, bring up the knee, extend out in front, and let's go to the other side again, two more on each side, so I'm going to let the ladies continue as I tell you what not to do, so I want for you to be careful to not fully go back into the back, because then you're not working the legs at all, so let's wrap this up on this side, beautiful, and let's take a mountain, feet are under the hips, inhale, exhale, that was a lot of effort, so just rest for a moment, come back to breath, come back to the internal body, and receive the breath as you get tall, exhale, oh yeah, that just feels so so good, very very nice, so we're going to add on a little bit to what we just did, we're going to do what we call a little teeter totter, so I'm going to hold my chair, pick up my knee, and I'm going to send the foot behind me, so it's like I'm going into warrior three, so I'm tipping at the hip, sending the foot behind me, and I'm inhaling and bringing it forward, so we are going back a little bit this time, back with the foot, and forward, and back, and forward, and we're working towards getting the body parallel with the floor, so that left hip is going to look down at the floor, very nice, one or two more like that, keep breathing, and release, take a reset breath, inhale tall, exhale, even up through the hips, through the feet, beautiful, one more side, pick up the right knee, and send the right foot behind you as you hinge at the hips, and bring it forward, and come on back, and come forward, couple more, just like that, whoo, beautiful, and release, take that reset breath, so the body likes to reset, the body loves moving slowly, comfortably, evenness of effort, evenness of ease, nice, so we have one more thing to do, a hip rotation, so we're going to pick up the left knee, holding onto the chair, and we're going to take the hip out to the side, out to the left, and cross it over like you're doing a figure eight with the knee, and you can bend, a little micro bend in the right knee, the supported leg, and get a little flowy, yeah, and the waist body is moving, nice, and release, whoo, lot of work there in the legs, pick up the right knee, take it out to the side, and find your mobius strip, it's a little tricky, and some of you might actually want to play with balance, and not hold the chair at all, that'll be up to you, nice, and when you're ready, let's go ahead and release the feet, find your beautiful tadasana, settle things down here, because we're going to move into tree pose, which is another standing balance pose, but we want to find a deep, deep steadiness in our breath, and a steadiness in our energy, and our beautiful tadasana allows us to do that, so let's find the palms open in front, exhale the shoulders, look directly in front, and find that inhale, just make you tall, exhale ground, it's so beautiful, okay, so we have the chair here as our support, we're going to bring the feet a little closer together, and we're going to find our awareness and our weight into the right leg, so feel the weight go there, and your awareness go there, and then we're going to pick up the heel of the left foot, and as we pick up the heel, we're actually moving the tippy toes, and some of us might have a little bunny in there underneath the big toe, we're going to put that in towards the arch of the right foot, and that just pulls us all into a, gives us this gorgeous center of gravity, and the inhale just pulls you right up, so feel that with the abdominals, feel that with the buttocks and the legs getting a little closer, nice, and this will be a tree for some of us, some of us will externally rotate the knee and the hip, and as we do that, our arch on our left foot kind of goes right over the little bone, the ankle bone of the right foot, so we want to be careful again, we don't fall out to the side with the right hip, we want that right hip directly over the knee, and as you come and do that and be aware of that, you engage the buttocks a little bit, which is very nice because it releases the IT band and there's no pulling on the knee, some of us will stay here, and some of us will lift the foot towards the inner calf, and this is a lot of work on the standing leg as well as the rotation of the hip, and our hands will come to the heart, one arm on the chair if you like, one arm up above, if you want the foot to come up a little higher, you'll do that too. We want to really work with finding a drishti, looking directly in front, about six or eight feet in front, and the hands can be where you would like them to be, and we're going to breathe, we're going to stay here quietly for about two full breaths, nice, we're going to come out of it very steadily, if your hands are risen, just drop the hands, and we're going to take the left knee and bring it in front of us, we're still on that supported right leg, we're finding steadiness, and the exhale allows the foot to meet the right foot, we release a little bit through the knees and the feet, just wobble it out, and then just take the beautiful mountain, and allow for the exhale to release everything, any kind of tension that might be in the body at all, yeah, gorgeous, and we're going to move to the other side, so have the chair, pick up the right heel, bring that bunion, or the inside of the big toe to the arch, finding that beautiful alignment, that extension through the crown, and the left hip over the left knee, and that little pulling inwards, it can be quite nice and stabilizing, externally rotate if you want to do that, so the hip and the knee externally rotates to the right, staying here using the hands wherever you'd like if this is your tree, or otherwise moving the foot up, the sole of the foot to the calf, or to the inner thigh, whichever feels really good for you today, and then we'll come with the hands, hands are at the heart, hands are above you, you're using the chair or you're not, and you're finding your drishti, and you're getting that beautiful awareness of the breath, the effort, the ease, and always in these balance pose, we're looking for that, oh, how can I let something go? How can I respond to what's happening with the effort?

Because this is what we need to do, and we're off the mat, right? Okay, when you're ready, find your chair, release your hands, pick up the right knee in front, and exhale, release the foot to meet the other, shake out the legs, whoo, that was a lot of work, nice, so we're going to do another half salutation just to release all of that stuff in the legs and the arms, so we're going to look towards our chair, so we're going to turn to the chair, hands come into tadasana, inhale nice and tall, and find the extension, it's quite yummy, and exhale, release to the floor, and inhale, rise up, salute the sun, look up, extend beyond the fingers, exhale, swan dive, heel to the hands on the back of the chair as you walk on out, wobble and wiggle, bend knees if you'd like, beautiful, and take four deep breaths, so these breaths are lovely and restorative, let the ears be between the arms, and fully extended through the arms, beautiful, and when you're ready we're going to look at the chair as we inhale and walk forward halfway, exhale through the feet, inhale lift up and rise, and exhale to the heart, take another breath right there, and just enjoy this beautiful mountain, release the hands, and we're going to end our class sitting down in our chair, so I invite you to sit down. I'm going to turn my chair around to you, we're going to take a moment to really settle into the chair, you can be back far into the chair if you'd like, and the feet are directly, the heels are directly underneath the knees, they're a little bit behind, and we're going to find our sit bones, so if you need to pull the flesh away and get right there on the sit bones, please do that, inhaling nice and tall one more time, and let's just ah, open up the mouth, ah, release the shoulders, nice, we're going to close our eyes for a moment, and as we close our eyes we're just going to do a little body scan, and we're going to find our feet, and just allow the feet to release into the floor, no gripping through the feet, beautiful, and just work your way up the legs to the knees, and find your awareness now in the hips, and find your awareness in the belly, nice soft belly but an erect spine, and release the shoulders, and let the palms be down, warm on the thighs, and allow for the jaw to be soft, so the teeth are not touching, and the tongue has fallen a little bit back into the throat, and the eyes are closed, the eyelids are soft, ears and nostrils open, and a beautiful smooth forehead, smooth temples, and allow now for your awareness to be at the crown, and up and beyond the crown, inhale and exhale everything, beautiful, so the body is calming down, it's nice and steady, and we're just letting go of our physical practice, and just having that beautiful, keen awareness of the breath, moving fluidly and softly, evenly, left side, right side, and all the way up through the central channel, so with the eyes still closed, we're going to go ahead and bring the hands to the heart in Anjali mudra, prayer mudra. We're going to end our class with a round of om, so exhale everything, and inhale for om, om, om, om, om, om. From here, just bow your head to the hands and to the heart, eyes can still be closed, take a moment to find some gratitude for the physical body and all it has done in class today, take a moment to find gratitude for the breath.

Thank you for your practice, namaste.


Jenny S
3 people like this.
As in the previous episodes, there were some interesting and sometimes spicy new moves (to me) to be found. Also, chair-dog is one of the all-time great poses to open up and relax, with the added bonus that it can be done anywhere there happens to be a chair! πŸ₯° The sweet, serene ending really makes this one complete πŸ™πŸ»πŸŒΊπŸŽ‹
Roslyn G
1 person likes this.
Great class.Β  Really enjoyed it.

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