Yoga for Kids with Ms. Stix Artwork
Season 2 - Episode 5

Relax the Hips

5 min - Practice
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This simple sequence is for young ones (ages 3 and up) to relax the hips and find a quiet place inside.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jul 23, 2015
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(waves crashing) Hi. Here's a practice for our hips and head. So, let's start seated like this and we'll move our spines to warm them up. So, we can do cat cow just like this. I'm going to ask you to round.

Take a few deep breaths into the back of your spine and then inhale up, pressing your knees. Arch up, take a deep breath. Let's do that a few more times, get round, feel your spine. Breathing. And then inhale up, arch.

Get really good at this, so nice to move your spine and your hips every day. Beautiful. From here let's come into pigeon pose, a great stretch for the hips. So, bend one leg, swing the other leg back, that's your pigeon tail. Arch up, take a deep inhale, breathe.

And then walk your hands forward. Make a pillow and rest your pigeon head. Breathe into your tummy, long, deep inhales. Long, deep exhales. From here, walk your hands back, push into your hands.

Come back into down dog, walk it off. And then we'll find the other side. Landing your pigeon, rock a little from side to side. Every pigeon is just perfect. So, from here walk your hands forward and nest.

Get soft and rest here. Use your breath. Deep inhale. Deep exhale. That helps relax your body.

Inhaling back up, press into your hands. Come back to dog. Walk it off. Wag your tail a little bit. And then from here come down onto your knees, and let's come onto our backs and we'll do a twist.

So, bring your feet forward, slowly roll down. Hug your knees into your chest, rock from side to side, massage your hips. Oh, that feels good. So, we'll find yak pose from here. Straighten out one leg, drop the other knee to the side and feel the twist in your back.

Your spine, your hips. Breathing. From here we'll find the other side, so straighten out that leg, then the other leg rolled to the other side. And feel the twist on this side. Oh, that feels good.

(sigh) And then let's lie down flat for rest. And I'm going to tell you a story. So, you stay on the ground, and I'll go ahead and sit up. So, I want you to imagine that you're lying at the beach in the sand. You can feel the sun on your skin, warm.

And the sand has made a bed for you, just perfect. You can feel the wind on your skin, you can taste the salt from the ocean. And you feel so happy and peaceful here. Such a beautiful space. As you're lying here, you see that a friend of yours, someone you love and someone who loves you is walking towards you.

And when this special friend gets very close to you, your friend leans down and has a secret just for you. Your friend whispers the secret in your ear. It's an important secret, just for you. And you hold this secret in your heart, and you thank your dear friend. You feel so lucky to have such a wonderful person in your life.

And you watch your friend walk back down the beach. And as you lie here, on the beach, in the bed of sand, you feel so happy, so loved, so peaceful.


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