Chakra Vinyasa Flows Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

Root Chakra: The Inner Legs

45 min - Practice


Quamay guides a grounding practice to connect to the roots of the body - the legs and feet - in order to create a solid foundation for movement. We flow through familiar poses in new ways to create awareness in the feet, and to find length and strength in our adductors (muscles of the inner legs). You will feel stable and grounded.
What You'll Need: Mat, Strap, Block

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to class. Today's practice, we're going to be working on a sequence that emphasizes the muscles on the insides of the legs. Today's practice, we're going to do some stuff to create some strength in our adductors, which are the muscles on the inside of the legs. We're also going to pair that with some poses that's also going to help us to create some length, which will support range of motion in those same areas. And when you're ready, we'll begin. So you're going to transition. Just join me on your back. All right, lay flat down, bend in both knees, bring the bottom of your feet to the floor. So let the arms stretch down by your sides. And before we move, I just want us to take a moment just to ground ourselves before we get into the whole process of making shapes and embracing movement. Give yourself a moment to lift the toes up off the mat and place them back down just to give yourself a little awareness in the feet. All right, we're going to be doing a lot in the feet and the legs today. So before we get into all the other muscles, just bring some awareness to the roots of your body. All right. And once you're there, soften any part that might feel a little lifted on the mat. So again, grounding yourself into your mat, grounding yourself into your yoga practice. Take a moment just to settle in. And we're going to take a big inhale in here together. So breathe through the nose, just smooth inhaling. And as you exhale, just soften the body and ground yourself a little more into the floor. We're going to do that one more time. Deep inhale in. Again, exhale, just softening, grounding, being a little heavier in the body. And we slowly transition. You're going to stretch your legs out long. Okay, hands can stay by the sides or if you want to bring them to the body, that might also be a grounding space to allow yourself to relax. So as you inhale, you're going to draw the right leg straight up towards the ceiling. You want to get as much length as you can on the leg. So maybe you straighten out the knee. You can flex your heels towards the ceiling, toes back towards you. And then slowly let the leg fall out to the right side of your body. Okay. So paying attention here, this is not a space where you want to fall into flexibility. So instead of letting your leg go all the way to the floor, lift your right leg a little higher so you feel a bit of engagement on the inside of your leg. Okay. Keeping that focus, stretch your leg one more time and just hold it in space and feel that effect of your leg working literally. Okay. Taking some time just to bring some awareness to that muscle that we're going to expound upon throughout the sequence. Okay. Take a deep inhale. All right. As you exhale, let the right leg come straight back up and then slowly lower down to the floor. All right. Pause for a moment. Let that feeling of your right leg register. Okay. And we do the same thing on the other side. So as you inhale, left leg straight up towards the ceiling. Right. And again, just giving yourself that length. So again, flexing the toes, giving yourself that stretch through the knee and heel. All right. Take another deep inhale. And as you exhale, let the leg fall out to the left side and find in that similar spot where you can feel the work, but you're not just relaxing in a flexible step. All right. And again, just a little emphasizing that lift. All right. You might feel a little, you know, tremble, shake. That's all fine. That's your muscle working to build some strength. All right. Stretch the leg out a little longer. Take a deep breath in. All right. As you exhale, left leg come up. All right. And all the way down to the floor. All right. And again, pause in just to register. Allow yourself to kind of spend some head space in that feeling. Nice. And then when you're ready, we're going to transition. So slowly roll up onto a seat and we're going to come into Baddha Konasana.

All right. So bring the soles of your feet together. Let the knees spill apart. All right. And as I start this, I usually have a grip of my feet in the hands. You can start slow with just like simply bouncing the knees. Okay. But then from here you're going to pause and then feel as if you can press the knees down into the mat. So that way those inside of the legs start to open up towards the top a bit. All right. You might give yourself a little more ground to the seat. Chest might lift just to extend through the spine. All right. But relax the shoulders, press the feet, press the knees away. Okay. Feel that space. All right. Take one more deep breath in. Good. And as you exhale, slowly transition down dog. So as we take our first down dog, let this be a space of just exploration. All right. So feeling like you can get into those parts of your body that might feel a little crunchy, a little tight. Move freely just to make some space. All right. So it might start with just pedaling out the heels. You can bend the knees as deep as you need to just to move the legs. Right. It might feel nice to press the chest a little deeper into the floor, lifting the hips up towards the ceiling. Okay. Just feeling that feeling of getting longer throughout the body. All right. Spread the fingers in the hands. Try to release that tension in the neck. All right. But whatever feels good just to make some space, this is your time just to move. Okay. And when you're ready, bend your knees, look to the top of the amount and you're going to slowly walk your feet in between your hands, come into a forward fold. All right. Once in forward fold, let everything go. Okay. I really emphasize that feeling of letting go in this pose because I believe that's a practice just as much as making the shapes and get into the motions, you know. So let go of the tension in your neck. You might feel good to shake your head a little. Yes. Soften up the neck and in them. All right. It might also feel nice to sway your upper body a little left and right. So that's just letting go of that tension in the back, feeling a little bit of release in the spine. All right. You could also bend the knees as deep as you need to. So whether you want to alternate or take them both at the same time, that's all on you. All right. If it's not too much to ask, you can also let go for breath. So you might sigh or give yourself a little just to drop things off. Okay. But feel that feeling of letting go. Okay. And on your next breath, we're going to come into a half lift. So as you inhale, chest lifts up, bring the hands to the thighs of your calves. All right. Feel that feeling of your chest stretching towards the top of the mat, but let a little space come around your neck. So shoulders drop away from the ears. All right. Paying attention to the feet for a moment, spread the toes, ground the effort on the mat. All right. Take a deep inhale. Good. As you exhale, forward fold and relax your body down. And then as you inhale, we're going to come into mountain pose. So stand all the way up, stretch the arms overhead. And as you exhale, bring the hands down to the sides to docile. Okay. Take a moment in your mountain pose just to take a deep breath in. And then as you exhale, soften the shoulders, relax a little more in the mat. Okay. So this next section, we're going to move through salutations just so we can build that rhythm for the practice.

So pair in the breath with the movement, salutations. All right. Half salutations first. You're going to inhale, stretch the arms forward and up. Good. As you exhale, forward fold, let the body relax down over legs. Good. As you inhale, half lift, feel the chest stretch forward. Right. As you exhale, forward fold and relax one more time. Inhale, mountain pose, stand all the way up, stretch over the head. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. Okay. Do that one more time. Try to breathe a little deeper. All right. Inhale, all the way up. Good. As you exhale, try to take that entire breath into a fold. So no need to rush anything. Nice. Inhale, half lift. Good. As you exhale again, let go. Feel that feeling of softening. Nice. Inhale, mountain pose, that entire breath to the top. So again, no rush. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. Okay. One more time. Maybe you close your eyes. All right. Inhale, feel that feeling of reaching up. Good. As you exhale, feel that feeling of softening, letting go, dropping something off. Nice. Inhale, half lift, feel the stretch of your chest. Exhale, fold and again, you relax. Mountain pose all the way up, deep breath to the top. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. Good. Okay. So keeping that rhythm, we're going to add low lunges and also move through cobra pose. Okay. So one more time. As you inhale, arms forward and up. Good. As you exhale, forward fold, let the body come down over legs. Nice. Inhale, half lift, draw your shoulders back a bit. Good. As you exhale, bring your hands to the mat. You're going to step the right foot back. Let your knee come down. All right. As you inhale, arms forward and up, low lunge. Nice.

Exhale, hands come down to the mat. Step your front foot back for down dog. Nice. As you inhale, bring your chest forward over hands for plank. Exhale, come all the way down to your body. Okay. So cobra pose, you're just going to inhale, chest up, try to soften your shoulders one more time. Right. And as you exhale, down dog, tuck your toes, hips go up and back. All right. Stay smooth in the rhythm. Deep inhale. As you exhale, step the right foot in between the hands, left knee comes down. Nice. As you inhale, reach forward and up, low lunge one more time. Good. Exhale, hands to the mat. You're going to step to the front of your mat, forward, fold. All right. Inhale, half lift. Exhale, fold and let go. Nice. Inhale, mountain pose, stand all the way up, stretch through your fingers. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. Okay. Same thing on the left side. Just try to smooth out the rhythm. Inhale, stretch up. Good. As you exhale again, just soften the body. Feel that feeling, drop it off. Good. Inhale, half lift, a little more space around your neck. Exhale, hands to the mat, step your left foot back, drop the knee. Right. As you inhale, reach up from the floor. Good. Exhale, hands to the mat, down dog, step back. All right. Inhale, plank pose. Exhale, all the way to your body. All right. As you inhale for cobra, stay light on the hands, but feel that lift in the chest. All right. As you exhale down dog, tuck your toes, hips up and back. All right. Stay smooth. Big inhale. Exhale, left foot forward, drop the right knee. All right. As deep as you can, inhale, arms overhead. Good. Exhale, hands to the floor, step your back foot forward, fold. Nice. Inhale, half lift. Exhale, fold and soften. All right. Mountain pose, all the way up. Exhale, hands come down into your socks. All right. Pause for a moment just to take a breath. Deep inhale. Exhale, soften. All right. One more time. Inhale, arms overhead.

Good. As you exhale, come down and let go. Soften one more time. Inhale, half lift. Good. As you exhale, bring both hands to the mat. You're going to step both feet back and pause and plank. Okay. So holding this for a minute, spread the fingers in the hands. All right. If anybody needs a little extra support and plank, you could always bring your knees to the mat. So whether that's plank or you're moving through a flow, always good to support yourself. Okay. If you have it, press the hips a little higher. And then as you push the mat away, round your upper back a bit more to the ceiling. Take a deep inhale in. As you exhale, lower yourself down halfway, bend the elbows. Good. And then up dog, you're going to inhale over the toes, lift your heart forward, draw your shoulders down and back. Good. As you exhale, tuck your toes, hips come up and back. Down dog. Okay. So just as much as we established that cadence of breath and standing or at the start of class, try to establish that rhythm in your down dog as well. Taking a deep inhale in. And as you exhale, just soften things up. All right. A little more space around your neck, a little more space in the hands. Good. All right. From here, you're going to bend your knees.

Back forward. You can slowly walk or hop your feet to the top of the mat. All right. Forward fold. Take an inhale, half lift. Exhale, fold and soften one more time. Nice. Mountain pose all the way up. Deep breath in. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. Nice. So the most that I ask is that you just keep that rhythm through everything we do in today's sequence. All right. Last one. Inhale, arms up. Good. As you exhale, forward fold and you relax. Good. Inhale, half lift. Exhale, hands to the mat, step both feet back. And then from here on out, however you need to flow, that's you. So body can come all the way down or maybe you come halfway up dog, down dog. All right. Wherever you are, we'll meet back and down dog. Same way. All right. Pause in here. Reconnect into the breath. All right. Next time you inhale, you're going to lift the right leg up and back. All right. And then from here, you're going to bend your knee, turn your hip out to the right. Make a little bit of space. All right. So if it feels good, you roll an ankle a couple of times. You can flex your toes. All right. Big circles in that right leg might feel good in the hip, but this is all you. Like whatever feels nice for you to move through, this is you and again just time to explore, make space. Nice. And then when you're ready, you're going to inhale, stretch the right leg back. All right. As you exhale, step forward in between the hands, twist the back heel down. All right. You're going to come into warrior two. So right arm straight out in front of you, left arm behind you. All right. Taking a moment to settle. Feeling the chest, feeling the hips open to the left side of the room. All right. And then a little more space around the shoulder. So actively reach through the hands, but feel that space of like broadening the upper body. Good. And then for a moment, I want you to straighten out the front leg and then focusing on this back leg a bit, press through the outer edge of the foot and then create this feeling like you're trying to drag your back foot towards the top of the mat. So with that effort, you feel a little bit of the squeeze on the inside of the back leg. And that's just what we want to emphasize in today's practice. All right. Keep that focus, take another breath in. And as you exhale, rebend into that right knee. Okay. So coming into a traditional warrior two, but adding that little bit of engagement. So we build that strength on the inside of the leg. Okay. Take a moment. Good. All right. Take one more inhale, stretch the arms out. All right. As you exhale, bring the hands down to the mat, step the right foot back. You're going to take yourself through a flow. So inhale the plank. Exhale, come halfway or all the way. And up dog, cobra, any variation that feels good to you. Good. Exhale, down dog. We all meet back up. All right. So again, keeping the rhythm, keeping your cadence. Okay. Left side, when you're ready, you're going to inhale, lift the leg up. Good. Bend the knee, turn your hip open, make some space. All right. So roll what you need to roll, flex what you need to flex. But keep that idea of softening where you don't need to be active, you know? Let the neck be free. Let the hands be open. All right. You're making space, but you're not letting that other stuff creep up. All right. Take an inhale, stretch your left leg back. Good.

Exhale, step forward, warrior two. Okay. So pausing for a moment just to establish rhythm. Okay. Not feeling like you always have to rush the things that you do, not rushing the breath, not rushing to get to the next thing, but you can pause. Okay. And then from here, straighten out the front leg. One more time with that back leg, you're going to ground down through the foot. And then feel that feeling like you're trying to pull your back foot towards the top of the mat, squeeze the inside of your leg. Keep that engagement. One more time, you're going to bend that left knee. Okay. So that idea of like rooting down through your back foot, creating that engagement to lift up for a stronger foundation. All right. Keep it smooth. Shoulders relaxed, chest open. Nice. Okay. One more inhale to open up. Good. As you exhale, both hands to the mat, down dog, step back. Okay. You can take a full flow, or if you feel like you need to pause, stop right here, catch your breath. Nice. Okay. Bend your knees, look forward, and you're going to slowly walk or hop your feet in between both hands. All right. And as relaxed as you can be for a moment, let go. Good. Inhale, half lift. Exhale, fold and soften. All right. Mountain pose as you inhale, stretch the arms overhead. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. All right. Pause in for the breath. Deep inhaling. Smooth exhale out. Good. Yeah. Okay. So making a little bit of space in between the feet, I just want you to step a little wider. Okay. And then before we sit back, do me a favor, pick the inside arches of your foot up so much so that you roll to the outer arches of your foot, and just feel that little bit of transference of weight. All right. Noticing that like the weight is on the outer edges, but your ground, like you can feel where the effort or the balance of the foot is right now. Okay. Good. Allow your entire foot to relax and open. Okay. And you're going to sit down and back into chair pose, hands with the heart for a moment. Okay. Now, as if you're trying to lift the inner arches of your feet, but I don't want you to lift them too much, ground down through the outer edges, and then create that feeling like you're trying to squeeze the insides of your legs together. Okay. So as if there was something here that you're trying to crush, don't want you to crush too much, but try not to let the knees buckle in. You want to hold that space, but feel the insides of your legs work. Okay.

Sit a little bit lower. Let the chest lift. If you want to lift the arms over the head, you're welcome to it, but maybe you close your eyes. Maybe you focus on that space in the insides of your legs and just feel that effort as you sit for three. Good. Sit a little bit lower too. All right. Let the chest lift up, soften the shoulders, deep breath in. Exhale forward fold, relax your body over your legs. Nice. Okay. Feeling this feeling of letting go one more time. Good. Okay. Open your feet as about as wide as your mat goes. You're going to take an inhale for half lift. Good. And as you exhale, fold forward and then sit all the way down into a squat melasana. Nice. Okay. Arms are going to come in between both the legs. You can press the palms together. Okay. And then feeling that feeling one more time in your melasana. Squeeze the inside of your legs towards your arms so the insides of your legs are working, but also feel like you can press the insides of your legs away. Okay. So making a little bit of space on those muscles, press the palms together, chest might lift up and then breathe with that. Nice. All right. Take one more breath here. So from here, we're going to set up a block for the next flow. So you're going to grab that. Maybe you said it just right in front of you for now. Okay. And then bring the hands to the mat. You're going to step back for down dog. Okay. And then moving yourself through a flow, inhale chest over hands. As you exhale, come halfway or all the way and you're going to inhale, lift up through the heart, lift the chest up, up dog. Good. And as you exhale, come dog, hips up and back. All right. Take a moment. All right. Allow yourself to come back to that rhythm, feeling the pace of your breath and nothing too rushed and nothing too forced. Nice. Right. As you inhale, chest to right leg up and back. Good. As you exhale, step forward for warrior two one more time. Twist the back heel down. Okay. So as you set yourself up, allow yourself to remind yourself of that feeling in your back leg, like you've been here before. So if you want to straighten up the front leg, you're welcome to it, but ground that back foot. Feel that effort of dragging towards the front of your mat. Okay. Feeling a little bit of stretch across the hands. Take a deep breath in. Good. And you're going to bring your right hand down to a block inside that front foot. Okay.

So even if you can go all the way down to the mat, I'd prefer just for you to use a block of this next one so we can give a little emphasis on the inside of the leg. Okay. With that front leg, feel as if you can press the knee in towards your upper arm. But with the arm, I want you to press back against the inside of your leg to feel a bit of that engagement in the front leg one more time. Okay. As you do that, a little lighter on that right hand. Lift the chest up, stretch the top arm towards the ceiling. Feel that reach. Good. Okay. So squeeze that front leg. Feel that effort. Take one more deep breath in. Good. As you exhale, both hands down to the mat, step the front foot back. Down dog. Okay. Taking the flow if you need, chest over hands, all the way to the mat or halfway. Up dog, cobra, any other variation. And in down dog, hips come up and back. Okay. Stay for a moment. So getting into that feeling of like no need to rush. Okay. You can pause. All right. Deep breath in as you inhale, left leg up. Good. Exhale, left foot forward, warrior two. Good. Okay. So get in the rush. All right. Take this time in this spot to engage that back leg, but feel that feeling like you can work that muscle in a traditional warrior two. Good. All right. Deep inhale to reach through the hands. As you exhale, bring your left hand down to the block on the inside of that front leg, right arm up for side angle. Okay.

So again, just focusing on that front leg a little bit. Okay. With the leg, I want you to squeeze into the highest part of your arm. But with the arm, press the inside of the leg away. Like you don't want that to happen. Feel that engagement on that front inner thigh. Okay. Keeping that effort light on the left hand, lift up a bit, squeeze. Nice. All right. Top arm up to the deep inhale to reach through the fingers. Good. As you exhale, both hands down and down dog, step back. Okay. You can move that block out the way. If it's super helpful, you definitely can keep it there and do your thing. Okay. Inhale, chest over hands. Halfway or all the way. Cobra, up dog, any variation. Good. Exhale, hands down, tuck your toes, hips up and back. All right. So stay smooth. All right. The biggest thing that you want to work out in your yoga practice is being aware of how you breathe. So even though we're doing all this stuff physically, can you still practice mentally how to consciously breathe and pay attention? Okay. Bend your knees, look forward, slowly walk or hop to the top. Good. Didn't mean for that to rhyme, but I'm glad it did. Take an inhale, half lift. Good. Exhale, forward fold and you relax. Good. Mountain pose all the way up to the top. Deep breath in. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. Nice y'all. Okay. Smooth inhale in. Smooth exhale out. Nice. Okay. One more time. Feet a little wider than the hips. Okay. So setting up for another chair pose, we're going to take this in a different variation just to help us with that emphasis on the legs. Okay. So hands come to the heart. Sit the hips down and back for chair. All right. And you're going to shift the weight over into your left foot to balance. You're going to slowly float the right leg over to your left knee. Okay. So as chill as it might be to let your ankle relax on the knee, I want you to lift it up. So even if there's just a little bit of space, that's good because you're going to get that effort of holding your leg to build that inner leg strength on the right. Okay. Keep that hips down and back. If you want to add a challenge, arms might stretch over the head, but keep that effort for three. All right. Sit a little bit lower. Lift that right leg a little higher too. All right. Deep inhale. Right foot down. Hands down. Pause. Okay. Feel the feeling of your right leg. All right. Allow what's there to be there without feeling like you have to get super into it or super engaged with it. Let it be present. Okay. Same thing on the right side. So shift the weight over into your right foot. Hands come to your heart. Sit the hips down and back. All right. And again, floating off that left leg, cross the ankle over right knee. Okay. So again, this is a pose where you work. Like I know I'm feeling that, but now we want that. All right.

That little bit of effort is helping us to build this strength. So even if it's just a little bit of space, give yourself that space. All right. Left leg floats a little higher. Sit the seat a little lower. Okay. Arms over the head. If you want to work, you got three seconds. All right. Two seconds. I know you got it. I just seen you do it on the other side. Take a deep inhale. Good. Left foot down. Hands at the heart. Pause. All right. Notice what shows up. Keeping in your awareness, but you just want to breathe right alongside there. Nice. Okay. Take a deep inhale, stretch the arms overhead. Exhale, forward fold and relax. All right. Salutation just to reset. Inhale, half lift. Good. Exhale, fold and relax. All right. Mountain pose one more time. Inhale to the top. Good. Exhale, hands come down into your sides. Okay. So turn to the long side of your mat. I want you to take a big step out to the side just to set up a wide leg set up. Okay. Hands are going to come to your hips. And then before we fold forward, emphasizing those muscles on the feet one more time. Okay. So press through the outer arches of your feet so much so the inner arches might lift up. But feel that effort like you can squeeze the inside of your legs towards the middle of your mat. Okay. Keep that. Take a deep inhale, chest lifts up. You're going to dive forward. Keep the spine long as you come into a forward fold. Okay. Hands can come down to the front, right in front of your face, the middle of the mat. You can grab big toes. Maybe you grab the outer edges of your feet. But keep emphasizing that feeling of pressing through the roots, squeezing towards the center of your mat. Feel the inside of your legs, the whole class we've been working on this muscle. Okay. Let the chest relax. The head might soften here. Give yourself some space in the neck, but let the legs work. Stay for a moment. Good. Okay. Keep that press. Hands come to your hips and even more so now ground down through the feet. Take an inhale, lift the heart forward and up. Take your time all the way to the top. Good. And then back foot is going to step to the front. Set up at the front one more time. All right. Inhale, arms overhead. Good. Exhale, forward fold and you relax one more time. Nice. Inhale, half lift. Exhale, fold forward. Step both feet back. I'm going to take a flow. All right. So inhale, chest over hands. Exhale, halfway or all the way. Up dog, cobra, any variation. And then exhale, down dog. All right. So take a moment in down dog. All right. Allow yourself to set a little bit. All right. You're going to take a smooth inhaling. Now as you exhale, send your right leg forward for pigeon. So right knee comes to the hand. You're going to send your shin across the mat. Okay. And instead of setting up a traditional half pigeon, I want you to shift the weight into your outer right hip so you can bend that back leg in just a little bit. Okay. So we're coming into like this 90, 90 set up where your right knee is bent, left knee is bent. Your hands are going to come to this behind your seat a little more on the mat. So before we take this into a deeper stretch, I want you to focus on this back leg a little bit. Okay. Feel as if you can press the inside of your back leg into the floor. So much so that you feel that same squeeze on the inside of your leg that we've been practicing throughout the sequence. Okay. Keeping that effort with the hands behind you, slowly walk the hands back. All right. And you might just go to a point where your leg might immediately talk to you or you might come all the way down to your elbows if that's a spot where you can pause. Okay. If you want to lay all the way down onto your back, you're welcome to it. Wherever you go, I just ask that you keep that left knee grounded into the floor. So if it starts to lift up, remind yourself, we want that press, we want that feel and we want that engagement. Okay. Keep what you have. Feel a little bit of that space as you open the inside of the leg and then squeeze. Good. All right. Take one more breath in here. Good. And then as you exhale, walk the hands back up. All right. We're going to do the same thing on the opposite side. So if you want, you can just kind of windshield wipe of the legs, send the left knee out, bring the back leg in. Okay. So 90, 90 position. You don't have to get like a protractor, like measure, but assume you know you're 90. All right. Hands behind the seat. And again, one more time before you go back, engage this back leg. So press the inside of your back leg into the floor. Squeeze that muscle so you feel that engagement. And once you have that, then you start your journey backwards.

So hands go back. Maybe you find the elbows. Maybe you lay all the way down. Okay. Wherever you are, ground in the inside of that back leg. Keep feeling that effort. Keep feeling that effect. Nice. All right. Last view on this side. Try to smooth out the breath. And then as you exhale, hands press up. All right. And then slowly just swing that back leg out from behind you so you have a wide leg seated set up. Okay. So for a moment, bring the hands on the inside of your thighs. And then just to make sure they still work. All right. Bounce your thighs a couple of times on the mat. Give yourself some space to open up. Okay. Then if possible, open up the feet a little wider. Okay. And then feel as if you can ground through your thighs. All right. So instead of the knees being bent in this one, press your thighs into the floor so much so that the toes might flex back, heels might stretch out a little bit too. Keeping that effort, your hands are going to start to walk out in front of you for a forward bend. Okay. So taking yourself as far as your body allows, keep the thighs pressed into the floor. So if you feel like when you're walking forward, the knees wants to lift up, I'd say just for today, you sacrifice that feeling to keep the thighs grounded. Okay. You might not go as deep, but that's not the goal. Just to go deep. We want that feeling in the thighs. We want that work on the inner legs. Okay. So keep grounding down. Keep feeling the chest lift towards the front of your mouth or wherever you're going. All right. And it may be elbows. If you feel like you can crawl all the way out, lengthen everything as you do so. Nice. All right. Press the thighs one more time. Take a deep breath in. And as you exhale, walk the hands back towards the body. Okay. Swing your right leg towards your left leg and you're going to lay flat down on your back. Nice. All right. Take a moment. And again, just giving yourself a little space in between the movement. Good. Okay. And then bring your bottom of your feet to the mat.

All right. Hands on the belly. Pick the toes up, place them back down. Feel the roots one more time. Okay. And then you're going to grab a strap here. Right. So taking the strap, unravel but give yourself a big loop. You don't have to like give it any specific shape right now. Big idea is that you just hook this right, excuse me, hook your strap around your right foot. Okay. You can keep the left knee up for a moment. But feeling that support through the right leg, let the strap kind of lift your leg up. If you can keep your right leg up and stretch your left leg down, does it feel like too much of an inconvenience? Give your left leg some rest. Okay. With the right leg alone, let it fall out to the right side of your body. Okay. So at the start of class, we did the same pose without support so you can allow your leg to kind of do its own work. Right. It builds the strength to hold itself. Now I would say to let your strap do a lot of the work so that way you can give yourself a little more space to kind of stretch into your flexibility. All right. So instead of engaging, you let your leg be loose. All right. Let the strap kind of hold your leg in that space where you can keep the length and then just breathing that spot. Nice. Okay. Take a few more here. Feel as if you can press your low back a little more into the floor. All right. And then right leg is going to lift straight up. All right. You're going to switch the strap over to the left foot. So you can simply just step your left foot in the loop. Or if you have any other way of transitioning to the other side, you do your thing. All right. But again, you just want to give yourself some space. Right leg is either up or down. Hold for a minute. Good. And then slowly let the left leg fall out to the left side again so you can open up this space on the inside of the leg. All right. And I go at the beginning of the class, I told you like to not let it fall into flexibility.

Now you want to explore that flexibility. So again, you want to make some space. We did a lot to strengthen. Now we want to open. Nice. Last view. And left leg slowly back to the top. All right. Release the strap. Bottom of your feet down to the mat. Okay. And then last little bit, I want you to draw your knees up into the chest. And with the hands on your knees, just make a few small circles. All right. Allow yourself to press the base of your spine into the floor. So think like as if every time you make a circle, you can ground your sacrum. You can press your lower back a little deeper into the mat. Good. Okay. Pause. Hug the arms around the legs. All right. Close that grip. Try to relax your head a little more. Soften your shoulders. All right. Take a deep breath in. In and as you exhale, draw your knees closer into the heart. All right. Last time. Deep inhale in. And as you exhale, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Good. All right. And then slowly bring the bottom of your feet to the floor and to the belly one more time. All right. So these next few moments, we're just going to spend some space to practice Shavasana. So you can keep the bottom of your feet on the mat. If that helps you feel a little more grounded, you can keep that awareness in the toes and feet. If you want to stretch your legs long on the mat, that also might be an option, but really practice that feeling of Shavasana. Okay. Just like any other pose in your yoga practice where you would work on engaging or balancing or whatever it may be, how can you practice Shavasana? Like how can you practice a space to rest? And for the next minute, maybe two, can you actually give yourself that permission to rest? Good. Okay. So you're welcome to stay here as long as you need to. When you're ready, eventually you want to start to slowly move things and turn things on in the body.

So it might start with the toes. You can flex the toes a bit. Maybe you flex the fingers just to move gently. You could also rock your head a little left to right just to bring some motion into the neck, but nothing too crazy. Let it be gentle. Take your time and introduce these things back in. Okay. And then slowly you want to draw the knees up into the chest and give yourself a little squeeze around the legs. Again, stay in gentle, stay in rested. Roll over to the right side of your body. You're going to pause on the right side. Try to keep the eyes closed. Stay soft. Slowly press yourself to a seat. Legs across the lawn, but bring your hands to your thighs. If you end your practice with the hands of the heart, you're welcome to pause there. And before you open your eyes, before you get back into the groove of your day, take maybe a deep breath or two just to feel yourself before you move forward. Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing your practice today. I'm grateful until next time. Namaste.


Jenny S
12 people like this.
Wow! First off, it’s a pleasure to virtually meet you, Quamay. I just love your teaching style…no need to rush, ground into your practice…love love love. This practice had some very cool variations of chair pose and pigeon which really felt fresh and interesting. I’m so happy that you have collaborated with the great humans at Yoga Anytime and I’m looking forward to the rest of this season 🙏🏻❤️
Robin J
5 people like this.
Fabulous practice ! Great way to start the day thanks.
Martha K
7 people like this.
Thank you for teaching this kind and gentle class. Protractor! I haven't heard that word in a long time, but now it will come to mind whenever I need to loosen the edges. Looking forward to more of this season. 
Kate M
6 people like this.
Agreeing with Jenny S here! Sweet class. The organization around bringing awareness to the adductors was an interesting experience.  Nice pacing, nice cueing! : )
Catherine A
Loved this class, Quamay. Really appreciated your teaching style. which felt thoughtful and nicely measured but definitely progressed in a very interesting  way (IMO ). I certainly felt the old adductors; an area I might not always engage with proper awareness in some of my speedy vinyasa flow practices generally. Really looking forward to the rest of the series.........! Namaste C X
Lillian M
4 people like this.
Wow! That was great. I did it! Thank you.
Lisa C
5 people like this.
Great practice, I feel powerful and grounded. I especially liked the focus on foot and leg work. Also your pleasant voice and fine instructions carried me through the practice. Thank you! 
Pamela  D
5 people like this.
Great practice! Good pace and excellent cues for breathing. Thanks!
3 people like this.
I loved the pace and true invitation to take the time needed. So excited for this season!  More Quamay classes, please!
Beth F
3 people like this.
Thank you Quamay!  I really appreciated the guidance to let go in forward fold and loved the sound of the ocean in shavasana.  I feel so relaxed. Looking forward to working thru the chakras!
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