Chakra Vinyasa Flows Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 1

1 min - Show Intro


Quamay welcomes us to Season 1 of Chakra Vinyasa Flows. Using the Chakra System as a map to bring awareness to the subtle regions of the body, we create balance physically and energetically. Together we move through dynamic vinyasa flows to create strength, stability, and flexibility in the entire body. You will feel grounded, fluid, and empowered, and throughout this process you feel a sense of peace and equanimity.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jan 31, 2022
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Using the Chakra system as a map to bring awareness to the subtle regions of the body, we create balance physically and energetically. Welcome to Chakra Vinyasa Flows on Yoga Anytime. I'm Kwame. So together we'll move through dynamic Vinyasa Flows to create strength, stability, flexibility, and lengthen the entire body. It's my hope that you feel grounded, fluid, and empowered, and throughout this process you feel a sense of peace and equanimity.

I'm super excited to share this with you. This is what we are going to be looking forward to.


Lillian M
2 people like this.
Okay I will get started but I will tell you I am scared. I will do my best
Quamay S
1 person likes this.
Lillian M Rest assured that I believe you will be FULLY capable for all the practices in this series! Your best is all I ever ask for and anything more is icing on the cake. Allow yourself to have an experience and without judging, have compassion for yourself as you flow. Let me know how your experience goes! Peace. 
Miriam Z
Quamay!  You're the best!!!!!!!

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