45-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 6 - Episode 7

Jala Mudra Practice

5 min - Special


Join Sarah Beston in a meditation practice that focuses on the Jala Mudra, tuning into the element of water to achieve a balanced flow state. Through visualization techniques, you will imagine a cool stream, embodying the qualities of a river to enhance your practice. Reflect on a writing prompt that asks, "Where is it that you lose track of time and space?" as you explore this calming and introspective session.
What You'll Need: No props needed

About This Video


Jenny S
Yoga Anytime often seems to sync up for me with the current day’s astrology, as it did today with this watery meditation…just perfect for the super full moon in Pisces partial eclipse ♓️🐠🌕🧜‍♀️!  Your journal prompt has my wheels turning for my little moon ceremony later on tonight 🥰

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