45-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 6 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 6

1 min - Show Intro


In Season 6, Sarah Beston returns with a series of classes designed to explore the delicate balance between holding on and letting go. This comprehensive series combines dynamic yoga practices, meditation sessions, and reflective journaling to foster a deeper connection with your inner self and the world around you. Through a variety of classes focusing on different aspects of mind-body awareness, you will learn to navigate the ebb and flow of life with grace and mindfulness.
What You'll Need: No props needed

About This Video

(Pace N/A)
Sep 02, 2024
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Kate M
1 person likes this.
I love how beautifully you've articulated the concept of "flow", Sarah...
I'm really looking forward to exploring this with you in this new season.
Love, love.
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
I am so looking forward to hearing what comes up for you during these practices, Kate M! Love and blessings. 

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