Nervous System Reset Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 10

Yoga for Stress Relief

10 min - Special


Join Stephanie Crochet for a Yoga for Stress Relief class designed to bring you into the present moment. This session can be done anywhere, anytime, and you don't even need to be in yoga clothes. Experience a series of gentle movements and breathwork to help you relax and rejuvenate.
What You'll Need: Chair

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Hi. This is yoga for stress relief. I'm in a space where I have a chair with me. But you can do this anywhere. If you're at a park and there's a bench or if you're in the office and you have your chair, if you have 10 minutes, you can do this practice. So we're gonna get started right away.

You're just gonna come standing on your, with your 2 feet. Shoes, whatever you're wearing is perfect. So just stand. You can close eyes, keep him open, whatever feels good for you, but focus here on just, like, planting yourself in this present moment. Like, you're just making or or marking a point that you are here now. So feeling your feet against the floor, the earth, the grass, wherever you are.

And then noticing your breath. And imagine you're inhaling to fill your whole body. And as you exhale, imagine you're exhaling all the way down to the soles of your feet. Again, really finding an anchor in this present moment. And if you have an intention for yourself, you can set one here.

And if your eyes are closed, blink them open, put a little bend in your knees, and we're just gonna do this really easy movement. We're gonna move side to side with our arms. You're gonna inhale to the left, bring in your right palm against your chest. Your left arm's gonna scoop swing to the left and then exhale to the right. And these breaths are really swift in what they're meant to do is just bring us more energy into the body.

Stress is an energy sucker. So we're gonna go ahead and take these inhales on the left, exhale to the right while your arms are swinging side to side, and you just wanna loosen up in your upper body, hear your breath. You're not really twisting your head side to side, right, just your upper body. So rib cage, your arms are swinging, You have the swift inhale on the left swift exhale on the right. And whereas your arms are swinging to the side.

It's just like you're clearing the space around you. Keep going. We're gonna come back to center. You're gonna take a deep inhale at your arms, hang alongside your body. Breathe in.

And full exhale. And open your eyes. Take your arms up towards the sky, interlock your fingers, except the index. Inhale as you ground your feet into the earth. And on your exhale, you're gonna lean over to the right And anchoring just a little bit more through the left foot.

You lean that side body stretch. Come back through the center. Take a full breath as you stretch up. And on your exhale cactus your arms, lift your chest. Be mindful of your low back.

So pull your front ribs in and how your arms go up and release your fingers again, except your index and sail to your left. Feeling that side body stretch on the right. Breathing to fill the right side of your body. Back to center. Inhale. Cactus your arms again as you exhale.

Opening your chest. And then bring your hands behind your back. Just interlace your fingers. If that's not possible, just reach back. You're really trying to get something that's behind you. If you can clasp your hands, reach your arms further back, opening your chest.

Big breath in right into the lungs. Big breath out. Take your arms out to the sides. Turn your palms up. Bring your Left elbow on top of your right, you can either just give yourself a hug because we can always use more hugs.

Or if you want, you can do that wrap, eagle arms, Your hands don't touch. No big deal. You can always do the back of the hands together. Second side, open your arms out to the side, right elbow. On top of left, you can give yourself that hug or wrap. Your forearms. It's feeling that nice opening in the outer shoulders in the mid to upper back.

And then release your arms by your sides. You're gonna take a seat wherever you are. Maybe you are at the park and you can take a seat on a bench. You can also lie down on the grass and take thread the needle. So you were gonna cross the right ankle over the left thigh. You wanna flex your right foot?

You're welcome to stay here. Right? Palm can press gently into that right thigh. It's a very slight nudge. Of that right thigh as you press it down, and some of us can fold forward. This is like my go to pose when I'm at the airport.

And I'm just waiting for my flights. It's like a yoga pose on the go. Deep breaths. And inhale. Lifting your chest.

If you did fold forward, switching sides, you'll do left ankle over right, flex your foot, Again, you're welcome to stay right here. Your left palm can gently press down into that left thigh. And if you wanna fold forward, you can. Left your shoulders away from your shin, your left shin, If you're folded forward, inhale, Come back up. Place both of your feet on the floor, on the earth wherever you are. Close your eyes.

Just take a moment to feel your sit bones. Wherever you're seated, wherever you are in the world. No. It is your breath. I'm gonna guide you through really simple breath exercise. Where you're gonna inhale counting up to 4.

So it goes like this. We'll inhale 1, 2, 3, 4, pause. Exale 4321 Pies. Inhale. 1, 2, 3, 4, pause, exhale, 4.

3, 2, 1, pause. Inhale 1, 2, 3, 4, hold, exhale, 4, 3, 2, one pause. And just repeat that one more time, inhale one 2, 3, 4, hold, Exhale for 3, 2, 1 and release just spray in and out through your nose. Bringing your attention again to your feet. And where they are on the earth, Just notice your heart, your mind, Perhaps just a little bit more centered.

Let's take another breath in together. You can let it out through your nose or your mouth, big exhale. Open your eyes. Thank you for joining me. For yoga for stress.


Sandra Židan
Thanks for this nice and relaxing practice, Stephanie! Namaste! ❤️🥰💖
Jenny S
1 person likes this.
In 10 minutes time I’m feeling so much more calm and grounded.  Another practice for my self-care tool kit ❤️🙏🏻
Steph C
2 people like this.
Sandra Židan You are so welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed! xo
Steph C
1 person likes this.
Jenny S How wonderful! You really dropped into this series - I'm so glad you enjoyed! 
Kate M
Such a sweetly relaxing practice. And your voice is soooo calming! Thank you, Steph C  : )

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