45-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 6 - Episode 6

Ignite Flow

45 min - Practice


Join Sarah Beston in a Vinyasa class that focuses on igniting the flow using Ujaii breath. This session will help lubricate your joints with circular movements, incorporating wide lunges, twists, and skandasana to open the inner thighs. The overall theme centers around opening the hips and heart, leaving you feeling balanced and rejuvenated.

After this session, join Sarah for a short meditation practice, focused on achieving a fluid and balanced flow state.
What You'll Need: No props needed
Optional: Block (2)


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Welcome, and thank you for joining me for this class that is all about igniting the flow state. So we are going to get into the hips a bit, the heart space, and really find a fluid practice to start to calm the waters of the and the heart space. So please join me seated. We'll find a comfortable cross leg seated position. Rest your hands on your knees.

Just take a moment to land wherever you are. Can feel your sitting bones rooted on the earth, find some length in your spine as you reach up through the spine, through the crown of your head. And then allowing a very big full breath in through your nose here, filling up, and then maybe open up the mouth and just let out a sigh or a sound, cleansing breath. Let me do that again. Big full breath.

In through the nose, feel the expansion on your inhale, and then opening up the mouth, Let out a sit under a sigh and release. One more cleansing breath. Big full breath in. And a long release. And then welcome to come back to the natural rhythm of your breath or start to move into ujai breath. So allowing the breath to move in and out through your nose evenly matching the length of the inhale to the length of the exhale.

Maybe setting an intention here for your practice. Anything you'd like to call in or perhaps release? Just that invitation to stay connected to the breath as we begin to move. So let's take some soofy rolls as we start to move here. So as you inhale, start to roll forward.

You could reach the heart over the knees. And as you hail around the spine, and you can come back on the sitting bones there as you inhale coming forward. Reaching the heart forward as you exhale rounding. You can take these circles as big or as small as it feels good to you. In either direction is great.

Maybe switching the direction of the circles at some point. And then if there's anywhere that it where it feels good to pause and linger, maybe getting into a space a little bit more that feels a little tight. Go for it. Otherwise, just smoothing out any rough edges by moving around with your breath. Taking a few more rounds, maybe letting the head, neck, and shoulders release into this. And then start to let your circles become a little bit smaller as you come back through center. And then take a moment as you come to center and just let that settle.

Notice where it lands. Couple full deep breaths to just notice. And then we'll build from the ground up. So making your way into tabletop, coming to all fours, let your shoulders come over the wrists, let your hips come over your knees. And then from here, we'll take some barrel roll.

So taking some circles on hands and knees. Again, Notice what direction it feels good to move in as you come forward. We'll inhale. As you come back, you can sale may be moving toward child's pose as you come forward getting into the wrists a little. Should come back, getting into the hips, the spine, and again, maybe taking a different direction with your circles, if it feels good to pause and linger anywhere, then feel free to do that. A few more rounds moving in a way that it feels good for you to move as we get out of the head and into the body, into the breath.

Beautiful. And then let's land in child's pose. We'll take the big toes and heels together, knees wide, start to let the hips sink back towards your heels. And then you could let your forehead rest on the earth take a moment to land in child's pose, make that rooted connection. And then can you allow the breath to begin to fill the back body. So feel the expansion through the rib cage, sending the breath through the hips, the low back. And just know that you can come here at any point in our practice as just a place to ground, to connect, to go inward.

Beautiful. And then as you're ready, inhale, come back up through tabletop. We'll tuck our toes and come back into our first downward facing dog. Good. And then as you come into downward facing dog, just find any movement, any fluid movement feels good here. So I'm gonna pedal it out through my feet, bending one knee, and then straightening the opposite leg. Feel free to put a soft bend in your knees, or you can always step the feet a little wider than your hips, maybe swaying your hips side to side, allowing the spine to be nice and long, letting your sitting bones reach up toward the sky, pressing through both hands. Good. And then taking a moment to just find stillness, find one point to focus your gaze.

Good. And then from here, rise high up onto your toes. So lift the heels. Let your knees come back down to the earth and then come to that wide leg child's pose. So knees wide, hips sink back towards your heels. And then round up through pose. So find a rounding in the spine and then hugging the elbows in, lower the chin and the chest down to the earth, and then slide your way into a low cobra.

So hugging the elbows in, peel the chest up, find bhujangasana, Beautiful. And then as you exhale, we'll press back through him's and knees, tuck the toes, and lift the hips up and back into downward facing dog. Let's do that a couple times as we start to warm our joints. So as you inhale, come high up onto the toes, let the knees lower bring the hips back to your heels pose, hug the elbows in, lower the chin in the chest down to the earth, inhale slide through into cobra, bhujangasana, Good. And then exhale back through hands and knees, tuck toes, downward facing dog. Beautiful. And then one more like that rise high up onto your toes. Big breath in. Lower the knees.

Let your hips sink back to your heels for child's pose, round up through cat pose, hug the elbows in, lower the chin and the chest, glide through for cobra, peel the chest up, Nice. And then meet me back in down dog pressing through hands and knees, tuck the toes, lift the hips all the way up and back, allowing just a few breaths here. Maybe it feels good to continue to find some movement. You might sway the hips side to side. Good. And then working from downward facing dog, let's start to sweep the right leg up and back, and then take a moment to bend the right knee. Open up through the right side body, the right hip, maybe take some circles with that ankle in one direction. And then the other, you could take some big circles with that right knee, really feeling into that right hip.

Beautiful. And then we'll start to straighten the right leg, allowing a big breath in, start to draw your right knee towards your right elbow and hover in the top of a push up. Good. And then in house sweep the leg all the way up and back for a three leg down dog. And then draw your right knee back toward the right elbow. And this time, we'll take a big step to the outside of the right wrist. So coming into this wider lizard lunge come up onto your fingertips for a moment. So really find some length in your spine here and activate through the left quadricep.

Good. And then let's plant the left hand down right under the left shoulder, and we'll take a twist sweeping the right arm up. Start to open the chest toward the right. And as you do that, keep hugging the right hip in, stay active in that left leg, Big full breath in here, and then lower the right hand back to the inside of your front foot, and start to come into a wider pyramid pose. So actively press back through your left heel. You can straighten that right leg any amount.

And then just let the torso drape down over the right leg. And we'll work with that a few times with the breath. So as you inhale, come to the lunge, rebend through the right knee, sweep the right arm up, find your twist as you exhale, lower the right hand down, and shift back. Let the torso drape down. Wide leg pyramid. One more. Inhale.

Rebend the right knee. Sweep the right arm up and twist. Exhale lower the right hand, press back actively through that left heel, let the torso drape down. You might have been lift your right toes up off the earth. Beautiful. And then come back into your lunge, rebend.

Through your right knee, plant your palms, and then step your right foot all the way back to downward facing dog. Good. Glide forward into plank pose. You can lower halfway or all the way down, maybe moving through Chaturanga. And you could stay with cobra or up dog straighten out the arms, firm the thighs up off the earth, feel that opening in the heart space. Good. And then meeting back in downward facing dog roll over the toes, lift the hips all the way up and back.

Good. And we'll take that to the left side. As you're ready in house, sweep the left leg up, bend the left knee to open up through the left hip, maybe roll out your ankle a few times in either direction, or you could take some big circles with that left knee. Is really feeling into that left hip side body and try to keep pressing through both hands. So let your shoulders stay level. And then straighten out through the left leg, big breath in.

Tap your left knee towards your left elbow and hover top of a push up. And then as you inhale, sweep the left leg all the way up and back, and then exhale left knee, left tricep, step to the outside of your left wrist coming into that wide lunge, come up onto your fingertips for a moment, Find some length in your spine, and then we'll find our twist. So planting the right hand down, sweep the left arm up, opening up to the left side of the mat, keep hugging the left hip in, stay active in your right quadricep, and then allow a big full breath in here. Good. Exhale lower the left hand to the inside of your front foot. And start to shift back.

So press through the right heel, let the torso drape down, and then we'll move with that. So inhale rebound, lunge twist, right hand plants, left arm lifts, heart lifts, gaze lifts, exhale left hand lowers, shift back, pyramid pose, and one more. Inhale, rebend the left knee. Sweep the left arm up, exhale lower left hand, press back through the right heel, maybe lift the left toes up off the earth. Let the torso drape down. Beautiful. And then re bend into your lunge left knee bends. Plant your palms and step back to downward facing dog.

Glide forward into plank pose, lower halfway or all the way down Chaturanga. Inhale cobra or upward facing dog, and then exhale meeting back in downward facing dog. Good. Allowing a big full breath in and exhale to release. Good. And then rise high up onto your toes. Take a slow walk to the front of your yoga mat.

And as you get there, we'll step the feet as wide as the mat or a little wider than the hips, let the toes turn out and the heels turn in. And then sink into melasana yoga squat. So you can let your hips sink down. Maybe dry your hands, see your heart. You're welcome to sit on a block here, or if this doesn't feel good in your knees, just come up out of it a little bit and you could take a higher squat. Otherwise, just take a moment to land.

Feel that downward flow of energy. Maybe close your eyes. Sacred pause to just check-in and breathe. Beautiful. And then when you're ready, we'll draw the hands back down toward the earth. Parallel your feet.

He'll tow the feet a little closer, maybe about hips distance or so together. And then find a forward fold, but everything just melt down, soften your knees. And we'll take a slow roll all the way up to stand. The head be heavy. The head be the last thing to arrive.

Good. And then just take a moment up at the top. Any adjustments needed. Otherwise, find stillness for a moment. Check-in. Find your breath, your intention. Perhaps setting a dedication for this practice.

Breathing into the art space. And that flow state of When we lose track of time and space where we can really feel into this present moment and one way to there is by really focusing our awareness and our attention on the breath and sensation in the body. So let's add on from there a little bit as you're ready and how sweet the arms out and a big full breath in gaze up at your fingertips. Exheld dive forward for forward fold, uttanasana. On an inhale lift have way up, maybe walk your hands on your shins, or you can come up onto your fingertips, and then plant your palm step or lightly.

Float back vinyasa Chaturanga, inhaled COBRA or updog, and exhale back to down dog. Good. So let's explore what we've already created, and we'll add on just a bit. So as you're ready, in health float the right leg up, bend the knee, open up through the right side, straighten the leg on an inhale, Tap your right knee toward the right tricep or elbow and take a big step to the outside of your right hand. So we're back in that wide lizard lunge. And then start with the twist.

Plant your left hand down as you inhale sweep the right arm up. Excel lower the right hand to the inside of your front foot and shift back, wide pyramid pose, press actively through the left heel and straighten the leg any amount. Welcome to keep a bend in the knees. Good. And then come back into your lunge. Re Bend the right knee and start to walk your hands toward the left to face the side of your mat.

And then we'll come all the way into Skandasana. So angle your left toes toward the left corner of your mat and then put a nice big bend in that left knee and sink into Skandasana. So you could keep the right foot on the earth, or feel free to come up onto the right heel loading the toes up off the earth, sink in for a moment, getting a little deeper into that left hip. Beautiful. And then walk it around and all the way back to the front of your mat, find a lunge. And then step, we're right back into plank pose.

Welcome to skip any of these vinyasas. Otherwise, come halfway or all the way down, Chaturanga. In how cobra or upward facing dog, big breath in, exhale meeting back in downward facing dog. Beautiful. We'll clear that side with a big full breath in and a long exhale to release. Beautiful. And then left side, inhale float the left leg up, bend the left knee open up through the left side. Inhale to straighten the left leg.

Draw your left knee toward the left elbow and then take a big step to the outside of your left wrist. Starting with that twist, right hand down, inhale left arm sweeps up. X to lower the left hand to the inside of your front foot and then press back wide pyramid, press actively through the right heel, the torso drape down, but in this time walking toward the right, so walk your hands to the side of the mat and all the way over to the right side, angle the right toes toward the corner, bend your right knee. You can always take hands to heart or arms can go wide or fingertips might stay down. Just get a little deeper into that right hip. So strengthening here.

Beautiful. And then walk it all the way back, front of the mat runner's lunge, step back for plank, shift forward, come halfway or all the way down Chaturanga, inhale, move into cobra or updog. And then exhale back to downward facing dog, big full breath in, and a long full breath out. Rise high up onto your toes. And again, just walk your feet to the front of your yoga mat. Take your feet about hips distance this time.

And then if it's accessible, take your peace fingers and wrap them around your big toes. So the first two fingers and your thumbs, as you inhale lengthen and come halfway up, And then as you exhale, let the elbows play out to the side, tuck your chin. The crown of your head melt down. Pounding the stasana just taking a moment to fold inward. Let a little weight shift toward the balls of your feet. Maybe shake the head.

Yes and no intention that you might wanna release. Beautiful. And then release the toes if you got them all slowly. Roll up. Whoo. Just take a moment to ground. Sometimes when we're upside down, we need a moment to reestablish our connection with the earth.

Maybe place your hands on the belly. Feel the breath underneath your hands. That fluid flow state quality. Beautiful. And we'll take one more round with this adding on just a bit. So as you're ready from the top of the mat, let's sweep the arms up big, full breath in, exhale forward fold, diving forward, uttanasana, inhale to lift halfway and lengthen, exhale planting your palms, step or lightly float back Chaturanga, inhale cobra or upward facing dog, and exhale downward facing dog. Same beginning.

Sweep the right leg up and back. Bend the knee. Open up through the right hip. As you're ready, inhale, sweep that right leg straight up, draw your right knee towards your right elbow. Wide leg twist. Step the right foot down. Plant your left hand and sweep the right arm up.

Big breath in. Exhale back to wide leg pyramid, lower the right hand, press back through your left heel, fold in. Good. And then rebend the right knee, walk to Skandasana facing the side of the mat all the way over to that left side. So bending the left knee, straightening the right leg. Good. And then from here, transition into warrior 2 to the front of the mat So we're gonna bend that right knee, circle the arms open, point your right toes to face forward, and then find warrior 2. So coming toward 90 degrees in that front knee, at least sealing the outer edge of the back foot down, And then find that solid base.

So let your weight be centered. And then on an inhale, keeping the legs as they are, start to draw your hands to your heart center. And then as you exhale, press the arms away coming into warrior 2, And then we'll just move with that a couple times with the breath and how draw hands toward the heart. Exhale, press away warrior 2, and one more, inhale gathering, and exhale warrior 2, arms open wide. Good. Then flip your front palm.

We'll tilt back to reverse pyramid or, excuse me, reverse triangle. So start to straighten through your right leg. And then as you come forward, re bend the right knee Let your right elbow find the top of the right thigh come to extended side angle. Left arm reaches up and over the ear. And then fluid with this dancing warrior, inhale reverse triangle, exhale extended side angle, And then one more time, inhale, reverse triangle, straightening the front leg, feel the length in the right side body.

And exhale extended side angle. Beautiful. Come up in back reverse warrior. And then as you exhale, circle your hands down and pause in runners lunge for a moment. So come on to the ball of your back foot. And then start to heel toe the right foot to the right a few times.

Taking both hands on the inside of your front foot setting up for lizard pose. So lots of different variations with lizard. I'm gonna lower that left knee down to the earth. And you might stay right here. So you might press into the hands and stay up on the palms of your hands.

Or waiting for that invitation to go a little deeper. Maybe you lower your forearms down to a couple blocks or the Earth and sink a little deeper into that right hip. And there's a lot going on in lizard pose. So noticing all the places where you're feeling this in the body and then connecting back to that anchor of your breath, breathing in, Stay for the exhale. Beautiful. And then as you're ready, gently walk back up onto your hands.

We'll tuck the back toes, lift the back knee, and then step back downward facing dog, right foot, meets the left. You could stay in down dog or glide into plank pose on your breath in. Chaturanga exhale, inhale cobra or upward facing dog, big breath in. And then meeting back in your down dog. Let's clear that side, big full breath in, and a long, full breath. Oh, good left side.

And how left leg sweeps up. Pan the knee open up through that left hip. As you inhale straighten the left leg, draw your left knee towards your left elbow, take a big step to the outside of your left wrist. Find your twist. Plant your right hand down.

Inhale sweep the left arm up and exhale wide pyramid shift back like the torso drape down. Walk to face the right side of the mat all the way over to the right side, then the right knee for Skandasana sinking. Good. And it's that transition of warrior 2. So turn the left toes toward the front of the mat, let the right arm guide you up and open. Just take a moment to sink in. So really find that stability in your legs.

Find a lightness and ease in the upper body. So there's that steadiness and that ease. And then with a breath, inhale, draw your hands to your heart center. As you exhale, press the arms away into warrior 2 arms. And 2 more, you might even close your eyes as you in how gathering As you exhale, press away.

1 more inhale. And exhale. Good. And then flip your front palm, reverse triangle, reach the left arm up and over your ear. So start straighten through that left leg. Now we'll come back into warrior 2 legs for extended siding the left elbow to left thigh. Right arm sweeps up and over your ear.

And then keeping it fluid with your breath as you inhale reverse triangle, come up in back, exhale extended side angle. And one more time, inhale up and back. Exhale extended, siding, oh, dancing warrior. And then with a breath, inhale, all the way up and back, and then circle your hands down to the earth, runners lunge, pausing there for a moment, come up onto the ball of your back foot, and then heel toe your left foot to the left a few times so the hands can come to the inside of that front foot. And we'll set up for lizard pose.

Now let the right knee lower down and kinda scoot that leg back a little bit. So I'm rolling to the front of the knee. And you could stay right here. Maybe waiting for that invitation to go a little deeper, lowering the forearms a couple blocks or the earth, and be at a place where you can stay connected to the depths of the breath, that watery fluid quality, noticing the inhale, The wave of the exhale. And what brings you into this moment? Is it the breath?

Sensation? Tuning into the senses. Good. And then as you're ready, we'll come back up onto the palms of the hands, tuck the right toes, lift the right knee up off the earth, plant your palms and step right back into downward facing dog. You can stay here or glide into plank, inhale shot around the exhale inhale cobra or up dog exhale downward facing dog. Let's move into the hips a little deeper, sweep the right leg up and back, exhale draw the knee in toward the nose, setting up for single pigeon.

Bringing the shin behind the wrists, taking a moment to set up at the top, Maybe you have props underneath that right hip. And if there's another hip opener that you know you prefer, feel free to honor that. Letting this be your own practice, your your own best teacher, listening inward, And, again, waiting for that invitation to perhaps fold forward, going a little deeper as you come into single pigeon wiggling in, take a moment, to observe, to notice. Breathe. And this thoughts or resistance pops up for you.

Notice it. No judgment. Allowing anchoring back to justice breath. Beautiful. And then whenever you're ready. Take your time and walk your way back up. And let's come into Gomu Kasana. So letting the weight shift off toward the right hip.

I'm gonna take my left leg, swing it around, and then cross the left knee on top of the right. Now if this isn't accessible for you, which is the case for many of us, maybe finding just a cross leg Sukasana, and you can kind of fold in and get into the hips a little deeper here. If you're coming into Gomu And, again, that left knee is on top of the right, can draw the heels in towards you. Take a moment to really root down through your sitting bones. And you might stay upright and just rest your hands on your knees, or maybe there is that invitation to start to walk your hands forward and fold any amount over the legs.

I'm going to tuck my chin. I'm just kinda Let the head get heavy and relax down. Notice what you need. Notice what you notice. Justice Breth.

Nowhere to get to, but wherever you are in this moment. Good. And then wherever you're at, we'll come back up and take the feet out in front of you. Plant the soles of the feet to the earth. Bend your knees. Bring your hands behind you and just lift your hips for a moment. Coming into reverse tabletop, big breath in, maybe stick out the tongue and take a lion's breath.

You might even let that head release back. Hello, wall behind me, and then let your hips lower to the ground. Whoo. Take a moment to ground. Cross your ankles. Bring your hands forward.

And then maybe you're just, like, wandering back into down dog however you wanna get there. If you'd like a Vinyasa, go for it. We'll come to plank, exhale Chaturanga, inhale cobra or updog, Exhale downward facing dog, sweep the left leg up and back, inhale, coming towards single pigeon, draw the knee to the nose, or to parallel the shin toward the front of the mat, and then take whatever time you need to settle in, up at the top, any props that you might want under that left hip, if that feels supported to you, or whatever you took on the first side. Maybe matching that here. And then listening and noticing if there's that invitation, to go a little deeper. One side is going to feel different than the other, honoring the difference between the right and the left, and then just taking your time to find your expression of the pose.

Whatever that is for you today. Every time we show up to our mat, it's going to look a little different. Going to feel a little different. Be with a breath. Breathing in, I am aware that I am breathing in.

Breathing out. I'm aware that I'm breathing out. Good. And then take your time to transition. Bring the weight off to the left hip this time, swing that right leg around. If you're coming into sukhasana, maybe the right shin is in front. Otherwise, stacking the right knee. On top of the left, draw the heels in toward towards you.

Sit up nice and tall, find length in your spine. Maybe this is where you're landing. Maybe you start to walk your hands forward. Noticing the difference. Between the two sides, breathing into sensation, Couple more breaths.

Big full breath in. Exhale to soften and then finding your way back upright, bring the feet out in front of you, bend your knees, Hands behind one more reverse tabletop, lift the hips, big full breath in. You stick out the tongue, lion's breath, Good. And then lower your hips, and we'll come on to our backs. So take your time as you roll on back. Can hug your knees into your chest for a moment.

Maybe wrap your forearms around your shins or hold your knees. And just rock a little side to side, massage out the low back. Let's prepare for a bridge pose. So stepping the soles of the feet down to the earth, you can let your knees come right over your ankles. And then we'll press through the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands to start to lift the hips.

You could hold on to the outside of the mat, or start to roll the shoulders underneath you, maybe brush the back of your heels or find an interlace behind the back. And then lifting from the hamstrings, let's take 3 to 5 full deep breaths. Feel that opening the front line of your body, sending the breath all the way up through heart space, chest, big full breath in, And as you exhale, slowly release one vertebra at a time. Take a moment to pause as you lower down feel the earth beneath you. Notice the sky above you.

Good. And then sweep your arms up over your ears. Step your feet a little wider than your hips and drop both knees. To the right side. So take a nice, easy spinal twist. You might take your gaze over that left shoulder.

And maybe you're picking up your right foot and placing it on top of your left thigh and just kind of encouraging that left knee down toward the earth. Beautiful. And then bringing the soles of the feet back to the earth, dropping both knees to the left, you're taking a gaze over the right shoulder, and you might pick up the left foot, place it top of the right thigh. I'm just gently taking my left hand to the inner left thigh pressing just gently releasing that down toward the earth, wringing it all out. Any twist that would feel good for you? Someone gets into the outer hip a bit.

Reallyasing just a little more with every exhale. Beautiful. And then when you're ready, I'll come back through center. Hung your knees into your chest. Maybe take happy baby.

Hold on to the outsides of the feet. Are the ankles, knees, wide? You might rock a little side to side or straighten out one leg and then the other. Notice if there's any last movement that would feel good here, maybe you're finding some stillness and happy baby. Sinking into the hips a be a bit deeper.

Good. And then coming back to hug the knees in, hug everything into a tight little ball, draw your nose up towards your knees. Breathe in. And then exhale. Let everything release and we'll come into Shavasana. And the legs go long on your mat.

You could bring the palms to face up on either side of the body, maybe bringing one hand to the belly, one hand to the heart and just, again, this calming the waters of the mind, the heart by becoming aware of the rhythm, the fluidity, that water equality of your breath, into the sacral chakra by breathing into the lower belly. This element of water, of creativity, of life, birth. What are you birthing here? Wow yourself to let go, to let be, and to just rest. Into deep in the breath, fill the body with breath.

As you're ready, inviting Any gentle movement back in. You'd be rolling your wrists, your ankles in either direction. And were you reaching your arms up over your ears, allowing a big full body stretch? Big breath in, long breath out. Let me roll over to the left side or the right side for a few breaths. Pausing on your side to notice how you feel.

The symbol of rebirth beginning again. Take your time to press your way up to seated. Finding a comfortable cross leg seated position just like where we started. I'll gather our hands together in gratitude. Front of the heart.

So much gratitude to share these practices together and with you You have a beautiful rest of your day. Thank you.


M Angela C
3 people like this.
A truly rhythmic and peaceful practice. Feeling calm and grateful. Really appreciative of these 45 mins. Thankyou!
Jenny S
3 people like this.
I realize I’m always gushing over your classes, but I can’t resist!  Every one  is a gem 💎 ❤️
Noreen S
3 people like this.
Hi Sarah! Thank you for this beautiful class. Really enjoyed the wide legged pyramid pose - a great stretch & release. Sending love to you! xo, Reenie ❤️
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
Thank you for sharing, M Angela C! I’m so happy to be practicing with you during this new season. Please keep me posted on how things go for you! Warmly, Sarah
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
Thank you for gushing, Jenny S! It makes me so happy to hear that these practices meet you where you are and it’s an honor to share them together!
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
Hi Noreen S! Thank you for practicing with me here and I’m so glad you enjoyed the class. Yes, I love pyramid pose! 💛
Aprille C
3 people like this.
Thank you Sarah definitely felt the flow ! 
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
I’m so happy to hear, Aprille C! Thank you for sharing your experience and practicing with me here. 
Kate M
1 person likes this.
Thank you for this lovely practice sequence, Sarah. Your compassionate guidance is a gift! Love, love.
Sarah Beston
1 person likes this.
It's a true pleasure to be connected with you, Kate M! Thank you for sharing. Sending fall love from the east coast. xo
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