45-Minute Yoga Flows Artwork
Season 6 - Episode 5

Yoni Mudra Practice

5 min - Special


Join Sarah Beston in a meditation that focuses on breathing from the roots to the heart space, guiding you to connect deeply with your inner self. The session incorporates Yoni Mudra and writing prompts centered on the Divine Feminine, inviting you to explore your receptivity and lunar qualities. Reflect on questions like "What does the divine feminine mean to me?" and "What's happening to my body?" as you engage in this nurturing and introspective practice.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Thank you for joining me for this short meditation and breathing practice using Yoni Mudra and some writing prompts that might help you tap into this quality of the divine feminine or the lunar internal intuitive quality. So let's start with the Mudra. We're gonna bring the tips of our index fingers together and the tips of our thumbs together. So making this diamond shape with your hands. And then with the rest of the fingers, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky finger, I'm going to interlace and then let the fingers tuck in.

Then you wanna take that diamond shape and let the index fingers point down toward the earth. And then you can rest that shape at your lower abdomen. And then if it feels okay, take a moment to close your eyes, tune inward, notice what you notice here. And this boojra really taps us into this quality of the feminine. You notice that the hands are resting, the wound space. So this ancient wisdom of the womb, also this intuition that inner knowing that inner voice that Sometimes we need to quiet our mind to hear the whispers of that intuitive nature.

So let's begin to quiet the mind by just noticing the natural rhythm of the breath, allowing the breath to be this anchor to the here and the now. Can gently tuck the chin toward your chest as you turn the gaze inward to this intuitive knowing. And then allow the breath to fill the low belly as you breathe in, initiating from the roots all the way up through the heart space. And as you breathe out, allowing yourself to ground in this moment just a little bit more. An invitation to be with this for another moment.

The mind wanders gently coming back to the rhythm of your breath. Allowing a few more breaths here. Feel free to stay with that as long as you'd like. If you're interested in a writing practice, some prompts to tune into this quality of divine feminine, that lunar quality, this receptive and intuitive quality You're just thinking of those things and asking yourself, what does the divine feminine mean to me? And when I'm in that space, when I'm in that receptivity, what is happening in my body, maybe tuning into the senses, what's happening with sounds, sensations, and taking the pen to paper and really not thinking much about it. Just maybe setting a timer for 5 minutes, taking your pen to paper, and writing on these qualities of the divine feminine.

Thank you so much for being here. Let me know how this goes. If there's anything that comes up for you in intuitively or in your writing, I'd to hear about it in the comments, and I hope to practice with you very soon. Namaste.


Christel B
2 people like this.
It's wonderful to be able to tune into the feminine side of my nature, my intuition when the mind is in a state that allows it to quiet a bit, then paths are opened that guide me to things I need and/or want to do. Also it shows me the flow of my life and allows me to go with it, guided by its nurturing aspect.

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