Thank you for joining me for this short spacious awareness, open eyed meditation. So taking a moment to ground and just land where you are, find any comfortable seated position, You could be seated on the earth or even in a chair, but do find a moment to just ground. So if you're in a chair, could bring the soles of the feet to the earth, take a moment to land, resting your hands in a place where it feels nice and comfortable. So maybe bring actually your palms to face up if that feels okay in your lap. So that you can start to feel the receptive quality in the palms of your hands.
Let your shoulders soften a bit down the back. Find some length in your spine. And then with the eyes open, just gently rest the gaze somewhere in front of you, something that isn't moving, resting the gaze there. And then start to notice the objects in the space around you. So you could take your gaze to something to your left, a plant, whatever it is, table, And then just gently scanning the space that you're in, noticing the objects, Without getting too caught up on any one object, just noticing, and then moving on to the next one, naming it in your mind.
And then moving on to the next one and do that for a moment. Good. And then bringing that gaze back to center resting on something that's not moving, start to notice the space around the objects. The space that they're resting in That quality of spaciousness. And then expanding that awareness to what may be behind you, periphery, or even outside the space that you're in. So you could rest the gaze on one space, but start to notice that spaciousness surrounding you, surrounding your body, the space that you're in, And also that space outside the walls, the air outside the walls, Sky.
Expanding as far as the cosmos. And then gently, if it feels safe where you're at, close the eyes and tune into your body. Notice the sensations that arise with this quality of spaciousness. Notice what it has your attention. And the space that exists between the breath the top of your inhale.
The bottom of your exhale. I'm just taking a moment to notice what you notice. And if you'd like to write on this a little bit, the prompt is describe a time where you felt really free and receptive and spacious. What were you doing? What were you seeing? How are you feeling?
What is that quality of freedom? Of receptivity and of spaciousness feel like in your body. Let me know how that goes. Thank you.
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