Release Your Fascia Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 3

Quad Release

25 min - Practice


Join Niedra Gabriel in a healing class designed to release your quads. When we sit a lot, as most of us do, our quads become short and tight which does not allow for a full release of the hip flexors. Let's take the time and roll out your quads to find more length and space in not only your legs and hips but your entire body!

Props Needed: Silver Yamuna USA® Ball or a 5" Ball and 2 Yoga Blocks for extra support as the goal is to keep the low back supported and long.
What You'll Need: Physio Ball, Block (2)

About This Video


Jenny S
1 person likes this.
Wowza!  I always feel sorry for my physio ball as it sits unused with my spare yoga mats.  Well today it got to come out and play and oh my!  I had no idea my quads were so knotted up.  This was definitely a “hurts so good” practice for me. I’m excited for the rest of the season 🙌
Christel B
Feels great and released.  I was using a textured foam roller as I didn't have the right ball.  I did one quad at a time although I was tempted to do both quads at the same time. I suppose I might not get as deep if I do both at the same time.

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