Release Your Fascia Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Release Your Fascia

1 min - Show Intro


What is fascia and how does it affect you? In this program, Niedra Gabriel uses props to teach you how to release the fascia in your lower body. By using tools and concepts by Yamana USA®, she will help your body feel amazing after you release the tightness and stiffness that can be caused by too much sitting or inactivity.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Oct 02, 2024
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What is fascia, and how does it affect you? Fascia is a web around your muscles and joints that is very key in why you feel stiff tight and locked into a shape. Hi, Anita Gabriel. Please join me in my training release your fascia where with the help of props, you're going to learn to release your hips, your hip flexors, your legs, get the sitting out your body, and you will feel a whole lot better. Can't wait to see him there.


Jenny S
1 person likes this.
Greetings Niedra!  I’m so happy you’re bringing us this fascia releasing series.  As I age, I’m definitely feeling more tightness along with soreness even with a near-daily yoga practice.  I can’t wait to dive into your teachings! 👏🫶

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